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Report - The Palace nightclub - Blackpool

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This has been on my hitlist for a LONG time, me and a none member did a visit around 4 months ago, gaining access quite easily. Our intentions were to return the next night with the camera gear and go at it, one thing lead to another and we didn't end up returning.

Recently a friend of ours visited from Canada and he was a regular, many years ago. It would have been rude if we didn't go back with him in tow.

When we did return, we found that entering from the outside, be it the main doors or the service doors was completely impossible, since we last went they have obviously made the building much more secure. We're lucky to know people, I'll tell you that ;)

Inside, there has been a whole host of halogen lighting set up (Came in handy), it's starting to look like a building site? On our 1st visit we got into offices, back rooms, dressing rooms & even up to the roof. This time we could only get into the main rooms, the bars, the Cellar and the Diner.

The Palace closed in 2003, it seems a like it was much earlier than that but apparently not.From what I can gather (There really isn't a lot of info on this place online) between the years of 1986 and 2003 The Palace played a huge part in the UK's 'clubbing scene' and acts that appeared there ranged from Kylie Minogue to The Prodigy. There was a TV show that I found on Youtube as well, 'The hitman & her'. It would seem that they visited very frequently, playing drinking games and recording the acts etc etc.

I'm around 3 years too young to have ever experienced it myself, which I'm actually quite upset about, after hearing the stories my friend told me about the place. The lighting rig, the capacity, the drinks deals :D, Way ahead of it's time.

Sadly, it'd seem I'll never get a chance to go. The local council will not authorize another 'zone', basically they can't afford to spend money policing 2 areas of nightlife, thus The Palace can never re-open and permission won't be granted for anything similar to take it's place. If anyone knows Blackpool then you'll probably agree that, that whole building which the club exists within could do with being knocked down.

Sorry about the Essay guys, here's some pics for you all :)

The stairs from the main floor to up top

The main stage

Stray headphones

Upstairs seating areas

That lighting rig

Some of the features on the main stage


The rest can be found here: The Palace nightclub Blackpool - Urbex

Thanks for looking, Any more info - Feel free to add :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
WOW, those pictures take me back!
The lighting rig above the main dancefloor was absolutely amazing, and had to be seen to believed.
It resembled a spaceship coming down to land. When they operated it the whole dancefloor had to be cleared so it could fully extend down from the roof.
The Hitman and Her, aka Pete Waterman and Michaela Strachan, visited here on numerous occasions and it was shown "live" on ITV from midnight til it closed at 2am.
I visited here when it celebrated its 2nd birthday, and Sonia was the guest star!
I loved going here, the atmosphere was brilliant, and not a drugged up idiot in sight. Just everyone having a good time.

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