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Report - - The Palladium Cinema - Birmingham - December 2020 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - The Palladium Cinema - Birmingham - December 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Originally opened on 15th November 1911 as the Hockley Picture House, it had 506 seats. It was re-built and enlarged & then re-opened as the New Palladium Cinema on 8th November 1922. The opening film was Isobel Elsom in "The Game of Life". The 3-storey building had a tiled mansard roof on top of its facade. Inside the auditorium, there was an elegant decorative scheme and seating was locating in stalls and circle levels. The projection box was located beneath the circle, above the rear stalls seating area. From 22nd October 1936, it was taken over by the Associated British Cinemas(ABC) chain, and was re-named Palladium Cinema. It continued to operate successfully as a cinema for many years. The Palladium Cinema was closed on 13th February 1965 with Gerald Hatray in "The Spy" and Francoise Arnoul in "Daggers Drawn"(A Couteaux Tires). It was then shortly used as a bingo club, which operated until closing in the late 70’s.

The Explore

So this place has been done well quite a few times before but id never done it so as i was in the area i thought id pop down and see if it was still doable.
Of course it was, so in i went.
Considering this place has been empty since the late 70s i would say its not doing to badly, Plenty of bird shit about but decaying rather nicely

The Pictures













Queller of the uprising
Looks slightly more pigeon shite covered than when I last went. Still nice to see as this was five minutes round the corner from me before I moved out of the city.

Still can’t believe I entered through ‘that hole’ in the wall feet first then realised there was an easier entrance after I’d ‘parkoured’ in..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks slightly more pigeon shite covered than when I last went. Still nice to see as this was five minutes round the corner from me before I moved out of the city.

Still can’t believe I entered through ‘that hole’ in the wall feet first then realised there was an easier entrance after I’d ‘parkoured’ in..
Haha really. Yep enty point couldn't be more simpler. Signs of homeless upstairs but no 1 Home when i went

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
This place is holding up quite well. Original features still about. Lovely carpet of white & black lol. Good report, nice coverage :thumb

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