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Report - - The Royal Alex Hospital for Sick Children, Brighton - 18/02/08 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - The Royal Alex Hospital for Sick Children, Brighton - 18/02/08

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(Sorry to those who have already viewed this last night but it was removed due to the mess I made of the post. Here I present a (hopefully) less disorganised post, finally. :banghead

Royal Alexandra Hospital

Just a quick hello from three new rookies; Bamboo42 (me), Oblivion and Agentselfdestruct. Here we bring you our first report, we have done our best to post correctly but please forgive any mistakes. We are hoping this is a new one.

The Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children was founded in 1868 in a private residence on Western Road. It expanded into a next-door building and then moved in the same year to its current residence on Dyke Road, into a former schoolhouse.

Known locally as the Royal Alex it has now relocated to the main hospital in a more technologically advanced unit. The building is scheduled for demolition to make way for modern flats in the face of great local protest.

The Explore

We carried out this explore on two separate nights. The first night was valentine’s night and after scouting around we gained access with incredible ease. There were various lights on in seemingly random rooms throughout the building and we proceeded with extreme caution.

During this run we gained access to the roof first with panoramic views across the coast as far as Worthing in the distance. Also a very unusual angle of vision on the massive, brick built St. Bartholomew’s church.

Keeping our heads away from the edge, due to been in a largely residential area we moved downstairs and through to the basement. A large curving corridor led into the boiler area and storage room. It was clear when my camera failed to auto focus that the area was already in the process of asbestos stripping. Knowing little about relative exposure and the dangers, we called it a night and left the building for research and a good shower.

Last night we returned for a more extensive look (masks at the ready). This time access was not so easy, it been half term I imagine they had decided to tighten up security so as to avoid children running around an asbestos riddled demolition site.

They made us work for access this time and there was a security vehicle on patrol around the block. Needless to say we got in and spent a thoroughly enjoyable two hours poking around. Most of the fixtures have been removed (professionally) but thankfully the place is in a very good condition, very little if any graffiti.

We have already rambled on too much so I hope you enjoy the photos, it will take us a while to get the hang of them in such low light conditions. A few are included here (so we don’t weigh you down on slow connections and we have included a link to photobucket if you wish to view the rest).

Anyway, hello from us and you will here from us again shortly. Great forum.















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