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Report - - The Shrine - West Sussex - October 2016 | Other Sites |

Report - The Shrine - West Sussex - October 2016

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Camera Drowner
Regular User
Buried in the countryside of West Sussex is this rather magical place. A totally chilled out explore with some quite interesting and quirky bits of architecture.

Location & History

The mausoleum is said to have been built for the mother of the family to be buried in. The actually body however is not buried here, but in a local cemetery. The shrine is around the remains of an old castle, the remains of which are still visible.

The site is situated on the edge of a lovely pond and has a path going around it with a boat house on the opposite side.

The Explore

This was a very relaxed explore, the grounds are pretty magical and are very pretty. There isn't a great deal to see other than the mausoleum and the statues, however a nice little wander neither the less.

The mausoleum is completed sealed up and is alarmed, so exterior shots only.
















Adam Rye

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi ya! Wow that place looks magical I'm trying to find a location .can you help please?

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Peaceful wander, beautiful colours and lovely architecture, perfect photography subjects, like it :D


Camera Drowner
Regular User
I bet that's a lovely home! Do you know if the garden and everything is part of it too? Lucky bastards if it was, the whole area was r ally tranquil.

The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know for a fact they spent a lot of money on it, they kept it all original on the outside but the inside is nice and modern. They did an amazing job bringing it back to life, they even kept the vintage main gates at the roadside. The garden is all cut with all the statues and stones still in the same place. They are proper lucky lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Apparently the woods and old castle are haunted! Spent some time here a couple of years ago, and bumped into a nearby landowner who told us some of the history of the castle. Can't remember much of it now, but I do know he said the are various sightings of ghosts and the like around the ruins of the old castle...


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Apparently the woods and old castle are haunted! Spent some time here a couple of years ago, and bumped into a nearby landowner who told us some of the history of the castle. Can't remember much of it now, but I do know he said the are various sightings of ghosts and the like around the ruins of the old castle...

Plot twist -

The nearby landowner was a ghost all along.


28DL Member
28DL Member
The house was never a shrine and there are definitely no bodies buried inside. The guy built it during the 70’s as a maintenance building for the castle ruins, and the religious artefacts where items he collected from the bombed churches in London during the blitz. Inside is equally strange with cool statues and original stained glass windows. Sadly the Angel was vandalised and the head, wings and arms broken off and probably thrown into the lake. The castle ruins, lakes and woodlands are all part of the property and private with no public footpaths or access. The pics are when it was first opened up and when the original fire was lit for the very first time.


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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
The house was never a shrine and there are definitely no bodies buried inside. The guy built it during the 70’s as a maintenance building for the castle ruins, and the religious artefacts where items he collected from the bombed churches in London during the blitz. Inside is equally strange with cool statues and original stained glass windows. Sadly the Angel was vandalised and the head, wings and arms broken off and probably thrown into the lake. The castle ruins, lakes and woodlands are all part of the property and private with no public footpaths or access. The pics are when it was first opened up and when the original fire was lit for the very first time.

That is sad re the angel etc, why do these little scum do this? a question that cant be answered I know!! Wow he did a great job if this is the history. Its sad no access now, as looks a peaceful wander, but don`t blame owners if their processions get wreaked!
Yep Grom did say a womans` body is buried elsewhere, and this was 3 years ago. But I like added history. Thanks

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