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Report - - The Strand Cinema - Market Warsop - Sept 2020 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - The Strand Cinema - Market Warsop - Sept 2020

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Well ive spent the last 10 years confusing this cinema with one just up the road in Worksop (that i cant even find the name of now, it seems to not feature on the internet at all!). Because of that i think id only been to look at this one once, probably around 10 years ago after it had just closed and someone on here had a permission visit.. Recently however @Dave W sent me a photo of the inside so once i had got my head in gear as to exactly which cinema the photo was of i decided to go have a quick look..

Unfortunately the place has been quite well stripped and there wasn't much more than the bare bones of the building itself to see. Its a really nice deco small town cinema otherwise tho!

Being so empty it cant be more than 4/10..

Located in the small Nottinghamshire town of Market Warsop to the north east of Mansfield. Plans were drawn by Mansfield based architectural firm Vallance & Westwick in November 1927 for this cinema which had a Neo-Classical style facade. However, there were delays (reasons unknown) and the plans were revised in July/August 1936 which had a more modern facade. The Strand Cinema opened in 1937. It was independently operated by the Warsop Theatre Co. Ltd. The Strand Cinema closed in 1961 and became the Strand Bingo Club. The building has a facade of hand-made brick, with a central stone feature. Inside the auditorium there is a curved proscenium, and the building is little altered from its opening.

In March 2011, an application was lodged to demolish the building and build a Tesco supermarket on the site, however in July 2011, the application was withdrawn due to local objections. The Strand Bingo Club was closed on 17th October 2011 when the lease ran out. A new application to demolish and build a supermarket has since been approved, and the building still stands in November 2015.












Queller of the uprising
Shame that’s stripped, sure that would’ve been stunning back in the day, few nice little features left though. Nicely done Speed ✌


Staff member
Holy shit that's been stripped back! In the past we'd only managed a few feet inside the auditorium before setting the alarm off. Awesome work though, good to see the whole lot.

Mini nut

My local and favourite, gone.
A very pleasant little cinema both within and without. Shame so much damage has been done but it`s not beyond saving if anyone was interested. Good report.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
great to see these old cinemas even tho its stripped its still has alot of nicefeatures for us old cinema projectionists thank you


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Demolition has been on the cards for years, I think at one point they were considering keeping the façade but clearly that hasn't happened.

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