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Thuy Tien lake Abandoned Water Park, Hue, Vietnam - November 2018 | European and International Sites |

Thuy Tien lake Abandoned Water Park, Hue, Vietnam - November 2018

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi guys, this is my first post so do go easy on me, we've all got to get our foot in the door somewhere. Also I'm doing this from my mobile so apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors or completely wrong words altogether.

The history
So this site is located about 5 miles from the center of the main city of g Hue in Central Vietnam. From what I've been told, it was built in 2004 as a family amusement park with rides, an aquarium, relaxing lake, the whole shebang. At a cost of around $3 mil. However it didn't last long and shortly became abandoned not long after. There was a rumour that crocodiles had made the place their home in the long years of its isolation from the public. But the government stepped in and had them removed. I can't confirm the authenticity of that rumor, but it is pretty cool if it's true.

The explore
So this had been on my to do list for some time. I'm a frequent traveller to Vietnam so when my friend and I decided to motorbike across the whole of the country, it was definitely on our list of top things to visit. Unfortunately it's became pretty infamous to the rest of the backpacker community leading to it being hard to get the place to yourself, and having locals posing as security guards to make a quick buck being bribed to allow passage for those that do manage to locate the hard to find entrance.
Because of this, and adding the fact we were limited in time as we had a long ride to our next stop, we didn't get to spend as long as I would have liked or got to explore the whole place. But we were there for long enough. We even got to release the duck that we bought from a meat market and took on the road with us into the lake giving him his first delicious taste of freedom. I don't know what happened to that duck, but I like to think he's still living his best life in the lake, eating all the fish and moss he could ever long for .
That's pretty much it for this one. If I've missed anything feel free to let me know or ask any questions. I'll be riding across Vietnam again in December, so I'm hoping to revisit this place and get a better look. There's a rumor that there is plans to refurbish it and bring it back in the upcoming year's, though I'm not so sure how true that is. Anyway, I hope pyou ask enjoyed my first post. Thanks for taking the time to read it.



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