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Report - Tollgate, Hotel, Gravesend – Kent – July 2016

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mockney reject

Staff member
Tollgate, Hotel, Gravesend – Kent – July 2016

One from the back catalogue, a mate reminded me of it today

The History

There has been a pub on this junction since 1827. It was demolished in 1922 as part of a road-widening scheme and rebuilt nearby. Over the years it has been gradually increased in size to take advantage of its prominent position on what was becoming a major roadway. By the 1990s it was huge and had been rebranded as the Tollgate Motel but closed in 2010.

The Tollgate Hotel was bought by the Highways Agency under a compulsory purchase order in November 2006 for £4.85 million when the A2 was widened.

Once that was finished, for several years it was offered for sale and marketed as a site suitable for continued hotel use.

Current plans suggest that the 114-room Tollgate Motel is to be demolished to make way for the drive-thru McDonald’s with car park, 16-pump BP petrol station and an M&S Food shop.

The Explore

It happens quite often, you have a day with nothing to do so you text around to see who is up for doing something and eventually you end up out exploring. This time my partner in crime was @oakley, I picked him up and we headed off out. Firstly scoping out a new site but with no luck and calling in at this one on the way to somewhere else.

This wasn’t a bad site to get into and one I’d driven passed many times and not even given it a thought until a non-exploring friend mentioned it and I had a look to see if I could find a report on it.

We made our way through piles of nettles, being thankful that I decided against wearing shorts as my legs would have been stung to bits.

The building was pretty typical of a 70’s styled hotel and could easily have passed for something from a low budget horror film, I’ll add in spooky and eerie for the daily mail fans amongst you.

The rooms were pretty trashed however one yielded some old school porn mags, you know the type you’d have found in bushed on the way home from school lol

The corridors where pretty nice and fairly photogenic and made for good places to spy on the secca.

Now let me get to that secca, This is the one site I had not expected to see any sign of secca, Let alone a trick alarm system and live in secca. Yup some random old guy is living in a motor home on site.

After we tripped the alarm the first time and watched him do the walk of shame from his comfy motorhome to the top of the site and back, it then went off a further three times until he called up a few mates and it felt like we were being hunted down by the cast of the film Cocoon ….

Not long after we left and headed to our main target for the day

As always enjoy the pics





























grumpy sod
Regular User
Amazingly as far as I know it's still there and still has the same live in secca! The owners of the petrol station next to it are fighting all the plans to build another one on their patch.

Sam Templar

28DL Member
28DL Member
Late to the conversation but me and a group of friends are planning to go here and I was put in charge on finding a way in so I thought I would ask someone who has been inside before


28DL Member
28DL Member
Late to the conversation but me and a group of friends are planning to go here and I was put in charge on finding a way in so I thought I would ask someone who has been inside before

I drive past this every morning and evening before and after work today I see a copper sat in the lay-by my and my partner are wanting to check it out most likely on a weekend as work mon-fri so give me a message


28DL Member
28DL Member
IK this is a very old thread now but I'm thinking of going there sometime soon, I've found an old office chair I'm pretty sure people have used to climb over the fence but I'm wondering about security and whatnot or if there is an easier way to enter that doesn't involve me muscling up the wall. From what I can see there are a group of cameras at the front entrance and an alarm on the side of the building further down from where I can enter. They look super broken down but could still be working. Tbh I'm not expecting a response but thought I might as well try asking before I just wing it. Thanks!!!

Optimus Prime

28DL Member
28DL Member
something is happening there, all the greenery and foliage has been cleared away, although it might just be to make it easier to spot anyone lurking about in the grounds

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
something is happening there, all the greenery and foliage has been cleared away, although it might just be to make it easier to spot anyone lurking about in the grounds

is it really still there? blimey!

Ignore the above I just realised I was there a few weeks ago :lol well I had a play at the neighbouring bike park actually. u are right though there is site offices there & cameras all around the fence line I didnt bother with it as it looked knackered anyway


28DL Member
28DL Member
This is a no go site. There is a camera or motion censor that got us caught and police came quick a few weeks ago. Still debating to upload that video


28DL Member
28DL Member
I've been past and had a bit of a scope out, the front / main entrance from the roundabout has a security car (It was occupied with some sort of security, and it claimed that there were dogs inside as well, which I doubt), so hopping over the gate is definitely a no-go. There was also an alarm-post thingy with cameras and alarms in the car park bit. The car park was empty, and the fence has been replaced with a mesh-type fence which you can see directly through. I'm just about to have one more scout and try and see if there is any more security of the cctv poles around in any of the other sections of it. If there's nothing, I'll try and get in tomorrow, as I believe that I have found an alternative entrance. If I do, I'll add an update along with some pictures etc

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
I've been past and had a bit of a scope out, the front / main entrance from the roundabout has a security car (It was occupied with some sort of security, and it claimed that there were dogs inside as well, which I doubt), so hopping over the gate is definitely a no-go. There was also an alarm-post thingy with cameras and alarms in the car park bit. The car park was empty, and the fence has been replaced with a mesh-type fence which you can see directly through. I'm just about to have one more scout and try and see if there is any more security of the cctv poles around in any of the other sections of it. If there's nothing, I'll try and get in tomorrow, as I believe that I have found an alternative entrance. If I do, I'll add an update along with some pictures etc
Im surprised they still have secca not much worth protecting there deffo beyond saving now
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Im surprised they still have secca not much worth protecting there deffo beyond saving now
I know, there's no construction work or anything there either.

I did get in earlier, but I nipped back the way I came after I set of an alarm walking through the main courtyard bit, and didn't want to risk a run-in with the on site security. Maybe if security loosens up a bit I'll try again, but if not I'll just go back in and try and get some exterior pictures without setting anything off.

Explore With Alex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Has anyone tried again recently as have drove past this place many times last time was A month ago and there was A car in there not security just plain old vauxhall zafira I did see the cameras anyone know if the cameras and all that stuff is still working?

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