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Report - - Torpantau Tunnel, Brecon Beacons, May 2017 | Underground Sites |

Report - Torpantau Tunnel, Brecon Beacons, May 2017

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Easy access to this one only a few minutes walk from a parking area. one end of the tunnel (southwest portal) comes out into private land and isn't overly easy to access. the other (northeast) is open from a pathway and you can just walk in. both ends of the tunnel have been intentionally flooded to discourage people from entering, but it wasn't very deep when i visited and some one has helpfully chucked a line of stepping stones along one edge and these were barely covered so walking boots were good enough to keep my feet dry. might be different after a lot of rain.

the tunnel does look mostly in good shape. fully lined in places and exposed stone in others.

pics are mostly lit with a handful of baby led lenser torches (single aaa battery) i did get a surprise when i went back to pick them up to find a frog sat on one of them!


southwest portal:

northeast portal:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have edited the post to include the location and (guessed) month/year of visit.

Can you please ensure that information is added to future reports :thumb

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