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Report - - Transporter and it's CSO Dewsbury ...'Sewer Saturday' 5th July 20 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Transporter and it's CSO Dewsbury ...'Sewer Saturday' 5th July 20

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Transporter Drain Dewsbury and my first report on 28DL
Not going to bore you all with all the history and spec etc on this drain its all been said before and pretty well documented, but id like to bring a little something else to the party....
To my knowledge I don't think anyone has been up the incoming CSO at the 95m mark and no one seems to have put any shots of the big debris screen at the end of Transporter around where it meets Monument drain in Batley

In 'ere at the Calder outfall

Standard shots of the brick/stone arches a meters in

"Well hello" says the 4ft RCP at the 95m mark..."Step right in"

Here we have 'Homo Erectus'........usually standing at 6'3" but now reduced to 4ft...... knocking the excremental stalagtites off on his way along its 150m length nicely lit by an Astrolux MF01


At the end is a chamber of filth

Dual mechanical screen over a main trunk running to Mitchel Laithes WWTW




and back out to head further up stream

rather large debris screen at the top end of transporter







About turn its home time


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah York's water and it's signs, and is that a solar panel and CCTV at the outfall, caution advised, this seems like a last stop before the WWTW or even a part of it, something about it seems to me like the level could raise any minute, without warning, esp if rain upstream. Good report.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
very good report enjoyed this one do you plan on going further upstream next ?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah York's water and it's signs, and is that a solar panel and CCTV at the outfall, caution advised, this seems like a last stop before the WWTW or even a part of it, something about it seems to me like the level could raise any minute, without warning, esp if rain upstream. Good report.

Hi pastybarm
Ha ha yes Yorkshire water is famous for its disclaimers and that is a CCTV camera, I presume that if the screen blocks up and triggers a sensor the bods at YW will be able to view it remotely.
No where near the treatment works here. This feature is on a partly culverted beck/stream running from Batley on its way to the outfall on the river Calder at Dewsbury.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
very good report enjoyed this one do you plan on going further upstream next ?

Hi Jezzyboo
Yes plan on going up to Monument Batley ( the other side of this screen) sometime soon.
probably would've carried on but this screen stopped us in our tracks as it wasnt passable without a ladder


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My bad, what's all that concrete at the end and is that a gantry or picker for clearing debris? Given York's must have more rain and flooding and low lying areas, I suppose it makes sense there is more of this infrastructure and signs than in the north west.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My bad, what's all that concrete at the end and is that a gantry or picker for clearing debris? Given York's must have more rain and flooding and low lying areas, I suppose it makes sense there is more of this infrastructure and signs than in the north west.


Hi pastybarm
Its quite a modern feature right in the middle of an old stream/beck Victorian engineering here just plain reinforced concrete and steel. Didn't get up to ground level at this point but it looks like there is a gantry system in play so that heavy objects can be hoisted out if needed. I'm very familiar with this area can't remember any stories of excessive flooding on this watercourse which would warrant a big spend here by the utilities but obviously they know best

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really good 1st report. I like seeing some machinery in there, dont often see photos like that. All well lite, some lovely curves and straight lines. I do love the look a of good drain.:thumb


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Nice first report Chap, remember this one from years back. :thumb
The deepest bit I recall is where you got in at the outfall.
Good to see the CSO chamber, I remember that pipe but I'm allergic to stooping much further than I can see.
Hope you enjoyed it all enough to do more drains. Monument is a nice one but watch out for the pigeons.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice first report Chap, remember this one from years back. :thumb
The deepest bit I recall is where you got in at the outfall.
Good to see the CSO chamber, I remember that pipe but I'm allergic to stooping much further than I can see.
Hope you enjoyed it all enough to do more drains. Monument is a nice one but watch out for the pigeons.

Hi @TheVicar
Thanks for them kind words, nice to hear from a seasoned master of drains
Been into this for yonks but never posted reports etc took the decision to drag myself from the keyboard and monitor and have a peek at some big shitoles haha
yep deepest at the outfall, just above the knee so not doable in wellies, rest of it quite shallow. probably engineered that way to stop general riff raff taking peek !!! Anybody who wants 'in' will have to be geared up.....thats us lot haha
That CSO was a right old stoop, legs ached for days after, was worth it tho as I think no one has got any shots of this chamber. And to say its in Dewsbury, of all places, didnt smell too bad. In fact Mr Microclip X3 never even whinced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monument soon.....pigeons you say ?????????


Staff member
Great first report mate, all the better for going back with proper Dslr and lighting :thumb

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