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Report - - Truleigh Hill R2 Nuclear Bunker 03-10-07 | Underground Sites |

Report - Truleigh Hill R2 Nuclear Bunker 03-10-07

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28DL Full Member
Visited with Monk and Jackal.

I’ve been looking up at this place for a very long time, before I even got into UE I’ve been fascinated with what’s under here.
To see the above ground buildings see my other thread.

With out a doubt access was the most dangerous I have done to date but for me well worth the risk. Top marks to Monk for being the first one in and trusting my rope work and knots.:thumb

The full title of this place is R2 Chain Home Extra Low Station. It was decommissioned in 1958 and sold to a local farmer in 1965. He converted some of it to use as a night club but due to health and safety problems it had to close. The under ground bunker is now abandoned but the Bungalow and masts are now used by the Home Office.

Eight flights if stair's to the bottom




This was three rooms which were knocked into one to make a dance hall

Generator rooms

Side room full of stuff





Just realised I've been on 28days a year now, this was a great place to mark the event:)


28DL Full Member
Re: Truleigh Hill R2 Nuclear Bunker REPORT 03-10-07

It was indeed "good stuff:thumb"

Reef first brought this to are attention a few months ago, and im glad he did it was a great explore, not as big as wartling but in far better condition.








28DL Full Member
Re: Truleigh Hill R2 Nuclear Bunker REPORT 03-10-07

Great photo’s mate, looks like I was going well fast up the ladder:D

A few more,
Monk obeying the rules

Bog shot

This blast door lead into the Bungalow but must be secured from the other side, couldn’t shift it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
im local and fancy a meet up ,there is a way but unsure if its been sealed up ill send you a message


Didn't look at it though saw it on google earth last night. Looks like that but I suspect more likely a remnant of earlier pre rotor rader. Just been looking in to it, there was a substantial ww2 radar station on truleigh hill pre the Rotorbunker. More likely a remnant of that?

The undergrowth is pretty thick. Wondered if someone had been there in the last couple of days, still slightly trodden down!

Wanghatch the third

28DL Member
28DL Member
Didn't look at it though saw it on google earth last night. Looks like that but I suspect more likely a remnant of earlier pre rotor rader. Just been looking in to it, there was a substantial ww2 radar station on truleigh hill pre the Rotorbunker. More likely a remnant of that?

The undergrowth is pretty thick. Wondered if someone had been there in the last couple of days, still slightly trodden down!
Ah fair enough I forget how much radar activity actually happened there. And Yeah probably me that did that haha


Reckless & irresponsible
28DL Full Member
The hexagonal building in the field in a WW2 era Radio diection finding tower, there are others around, one at Beachy head and another at Halnaker near Chichester


So much detail of entry points and explanations these days..why exactly
Since everything is detailed in photographic and link form in this thread i'm not saying anything that hasn't been spelled out already, and quite obviously too. But I take your point, the same point of view I echoed by not posting pictures of it, maybe I was a little too descriptive.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi guys great find! Any idea who the farmer is who owns this place? Keen to know more....!!
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Truleigh Hill Farm I think the sign said. Try direct enquiries? / Google search? As far as I know the main entry through the guard house bungalow is no longer possible due (if nothing else) to separate ownership to that of the bunker. Whether or not it has been permanently sealed I think is unknown though clearly any sealing has been done from the bungalow side. Maybe it is just a case of opening the steel door with access permission to that from BT or whoever owns the bungalow together with farmers permission. Guessing it IS the farmer / farm who still own the bunker.

Since it's clearly not used for anything I am guessing it is more of a pain to him than anything else. I guess he has bricked up or secured the other access method many times over the years and you can even find a report of an urbexer being killed or badly hurt (dependent on which version you find) when trying to access parts of the bunker years ago. One report states that the farmer was taken to court over this but the case was thrown out.

(The intrepid explorer had apparently broken in to it repeatedly over the course of a couple of months and each time hacksawed a little further through the hinges of the heavy tank steel metal doors that were blocking his progress. Finally, with the final cut the door fell on him and he was killed or badly hurt). Perhaps this is just a scare story put out years ago by the owner to ward off potential explorers but an interesting read none the less. I could not easily find court records or newspaper reports that substantiate that though I suspect this occurred way before the 'internet'. Such information, if true, is probably stacked in a large pile of microfiches somewhere waiting to never be found.

Anyway, the point is, I can't imagine the owner agreeing to a permission visit unless there were some way you could sell it to him. I dunno .... are you a good cameraman / video editor? Perhaps you could approach him as a 'youtuber' with mass subscribers and suggest that huge interest could be generated in the bunker with a video. You never know ... right now its surely nothing more than a potential liability / useless waste of space to the owner, maybe you could plant a seed in his mind.

Russia / USA playing dick swords at the moment ... maybe some rich eccentric would buy it and make it useable for the impending apocalypse, hahaha

Let the thread know if you find anything out, would be very interested to hear

James barratt

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know the farmer as I live in Truleigh hill.Certainly the place I'm heading if trump and putin go to war. Only for twenty years, and with no chance of stocking it up with food and air filtration plus lighting, it's really a place to certainly die in. Wouldn't it be better to let the nuke and the bright light end it fast, rather than suffering down there in the damp knowing you only have a couple weeks provisions and nothing else.

I wanted to see this place myself, only I never quite get around to arranging a visit.

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