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Report - - Turner Brothers Asbestos, 10/24 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Turner Brothers Asbestos, 10/24

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Professional Twat
28DL Full Member

Finally got around to doing another classic

Basic History

The manufacture of asbestos began on the site in 1879. By 1970 the factory had an annual output of 2,250,000 yards of asbestos cloth and 5,500,000 miles (8,900,000 km) of asbestos yarn
(Source: Turner Brothers Asbestos Site in Rochdale Continues to Cause Concern for Residents. - The Asbestos Law Partnership LLP)


This was probably my favourite one yet
Neither of us really expected to get in as to be fair, you wouldn’t expect an asbestos factory to be easy to access, but after probably the worst entry I’ve done so far in my life, we were in

‘Fuck me thats massive’


The place was fuckin HUGE and pictures cannot put into scale the size of it, especially knowing that what we saw wasn’t even a third of the place.

Making our way through the overgrowth and rubble, accidentally falling into bogs and manholes along the way, we eventually find an easy enough entry point, involving a lot of red substance getting all over our pants. A red floor, very classic!


Drones were flying about overhead which scared the shit out of us to be fair, but neither of us were very bothered as we met the guys with them, and they were incredibly chill with us
‘You explorers?’

‘Yeah, just looking to do some photography’

We got some basic directions to get into the tallest of the building, the tower block





Walking on in, the first thing we notice is all the blue and cream paint, it’s so niche but it works so well!


The lighting in this tower was stunning, the windows were hazed and broken, which was lovely against all the vegetation. Looking around the site was filled with submerged holes, and bushes growing. We eventually find the staircase, with a stunning skylight


And making our way up takes us to a ‘lovely’ office block. Very little photos of it as it is almost completely trashed, and collapsed all over


But it opens up into a stunning factory space




We didn’t spend long in here but good LORD was the lighting beautiful, I don’t know what caused it but the sunlight had a perfect tinge to it that just made all the photos seem so beautiful, I loved it.

Moving forward, the more classic stairs showed


And they let up to roof access, with a beautiful view of most of the site on top




The fact that you can only see half of the factory from here in insane to me.

After eating our lunch with a view, we head down the stairs to the windows, where you can get onto the rooftop. This is insanely sketchy and was probably stupid, but it worked just fine for us!

Don’t slip



Looking along the catwalk, we didn’t dare go on it with the wood planks open to the elements


And then looking back to the towers



Along the rooftop brings us to the filtering galleries, which is by far the most infamous part of the site.




For obvious reasons, we didn’t spend too long in here. From what I understand, those are asbestos filters, with big bags of the stuff laying on the ground, completely exposed and open. Here I am holding one! It was soft like a pillow


Walking through to the other side, we were excited to see the records room but after speaking to a member of security, found out it had burned down only a couple weeks ago which was heartbreaking :(





Professional Twat
28DL Full Member

Continuing on through the hallway on this side, passing by bags of waste brown and blue asbestos, the not so fun stuff



Of course, I had to have a hold


Continuing on to the other side of the hallway



Brings us to the Kevlar filter galleries. I didn’t get many good photos, purely as it looked pretty much the same as the other filters, just with black fibres inside of the bags instead of white


Heading down the fire escape behind me in the photo, brings us down into the sub level of this building, dark and dingy with a small workshop, and many support beams.



A fun shot with my respirator


It brought us out onto a lovely high level area, with a nice view around us!



As well as a pretty little goods entrance, me for scale!


Heading down yet another set of stairs brings us into the final, massive weaving sheds. We don’t have many photos of this, purely as it was almost the exact same outside of the labs, and the export hall with the crane.



The fume cupboards were lovely, especially as they still move up and down, plus the room was dotted with little empty bottles of acids and chemicals




Now moving on for the larger area. There is only one photo of the empty space, as it is genuinely the most unphotogenic space I’ve seen





Little thing, looks very cool!


And then onto the final export hall, with a lovely little old fashioned crane






And as we finished up, we headed back out the long way we came, enjoying the sunset as we leave




And then our final goodbye against the sun, as I bin my hoodie and respirator so I don’t take home any fibres. I probably won’t visit again but I’d recommend it, just be safe against the fibres!

Stay safe people




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great photos, it really is a big place this! I didn't manage the lower part of the factory on my visit so nice to see those areas, the records room was rammed full of papers too its mad how it seems to have burned every single one :eek:


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Great photos, it really is a big place this! I didn't manage the lower part of the factory on my visit so nice to see those areas, the records room was rammed full of papers too its mad how it seems to have burned every single one :eek:
Especially as the pile of ash was in a convenient little mound, it was certainly a weird one!
And it was massive, we skimmed over the whole site and it took us about 6 hours

The Young One

Theres rust in my blood
28DL Full Member
i thought this had been demolished but i guess it would be a pain as you would have to decontaminate everything nice pics especially of the valve charestic meter thingy.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely set of shots, I do like seeing this one pop up, I always forget about it but some of the decay and colours there look lovely. Top report 👍


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Great report, always like this place with a morbid curiosity but it seems to make for some great shots and colours. Always seems to be a debate around what's in the bags but that one with all 3 types of asbestos labels keeps it simple! Quite mad to see left laying around really. Fair play for masking up too.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Really nice set. Does look a great big place for a relaxed wander. Can't believe they have security there.
To be fair, I’m sure the last thing the owner wants is kids playing around in the more unstable parts of the site, or playing with the asbestos bags which I can full see these twats doing. Although security was kind enough, I’m sure if you’re smart and properly equipped you’d be fine with then

Great report, always like this place with a morbid curiosity but it seems to make for some great shots and colours. Always seems to be a debate around what's in the bags but that one with all 3 types of asbestos labels keeps it simple! Quite mad to see left laying around really. Fair play for masking up too.
Thank you! It’s a very pretty site and a lot of it is quite photogenic, I do wish I got more photos but skimming over the place means we often forgot to. And it is insane that it’s all left there, especially as some of those bags were ripped open, so God knows how safe the place is without a respirator.

i thought this had been demolished but i guess it would be a pain as you would have to decontaminate everything nice pics especially of the valve charestic meter thingy.
You’d think so but then again, like you said clearing the whole site would be horrible, especially as there is just big white mounds in the woods too, it’s insane how it’s all there still

Lovely set of shots, I do like seeing this one pop up, I always forget about it but some of the decay and colours there look lovely. Top report 👍
Thank you thank you, I’m glad that I’ve finally gotten around to doing it too, it’s a classic one and I’ve always wanted to pay it a visit


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Fantastic report. Great photos and angles. Always like your narration. But you are completely bonkers ;) lol. Great shots of the waste though!
Thank you! I’m glad to tick this one off but I’ll be back with coveralls at some point, as to be fair I’d say this one was pushing it with all the bags laying about. The waste bags were especially insane, given how they’re just laying about like they’re no one’s problem. They smell good tho :D


The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Nice to see again and well photographed.

Great idea a mask, unfortunately it also gets on your clothes especially if exposed lifting up bags of the stuff. Well documented that children of people who worked here or the like later developed asbestosis from was unwittingly brought home on their parents who worked with asbestos.

Feel like I'm preaching, was one of the first to visit the place back in 2012, I wouldn't be picking up bags of an unknown substance especially if it had an asbestos sticker on, fair enough the photos look cool..................


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Nice to see again and well photographed.

Great idea a mask, unfortunately it also gets on your clothes especially if exposed lifting up bags of the stuff. Well documented that children of people who worked here or the like later developed asbestosis from was unwittingly brought home on their parents who worked with asbestos.

Feel like I'm preaching, was one of the first to visit the place back in 2012, I wouldn't be picking up bags of an unknown substance especially if it had an asbestos sticker on, fair enough the photos look cool..................
Yeah I understood that risk, we ended up binning our clothes straight after, putting them in plastic bags and taking them to the local tip, and they sorted it for me. We got changed the second we left, and I binned the mask too just in case.
Did what I could to get the good photo but don’t worry, I took the right precautions :D

I also had a shower the second I got back, and washed my forearms and boots at a toilet nearby when I left just in case anything got under my hoodie and pants


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice to see again and well photographed.

Great idea a mask, unfortunately it also gets on your clothes especially if exposed lifting up bags of the stuff. Well documented that children of people who worked here or the like later developed asbestosis from was unwittingly brought home on their parents who worked with asbestos.

Feel like I'm preaching, was one of the first to visit the place back in 2012, I wouldn't be picking up bags of an unknown substance especially if it had an asbestos sticker on, fair enough the photos look cool..................
Basically what @The Lone Ranger said.

Great report and fab pics, but last thing anyone want is you developing any asbestos-related diseases further down the line.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Basically what @The Lone Ranger said.

Great report and fab pics, but last thing anyone want is you developing any asbestos-related diseases further down the line.
Thank you, and as I said I took the right precautions and just to take it easy, I’ll avoid exploring for a bit as I know damage mainly come from exposure to asbestos over time. As well as the mask which has is rated, and is full seal around the face. This was definitely a one off place, and if I ever do visit again it’ll be in disposable coveralls just in case too.