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Report - - Tytherington Quarry Nov 2014 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Tytherington Quarry Nov 2014

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Originally explored solo with no problems.However,a revisit a couple of days later didn't go so smoothly. As a friend and I nonchalantly ambled along the same path as before security came wheelspinning around the corner.Maybe the thermal cameras aren't just for show then...

The History Bit

Originally a tiny quarry started in 1872 this huge site is now three quarries joined by short tunnels. Over seven miles of narrowgauge track was laid down and the site gradually grew. Using just a mobile crusher and plenty of local labour 60-65 rail trucks,each carrying 8 tonnes,left every weekend full of stone. With the introduction of steam drills and cranes by 1910 four trains (going in each direction) were leaving.
The yard never had a rail sidings at this point and shared the line with passenger trains- Sundays were the only days there wasn't a passenger service! In June 1944 the line was designated freight only and stayed that way until the sites closure in 2012. As with lots of things these days its going full circle-locals are now rallying for the line to be opened again.

A newer,larger quarry (Gravesend quarry,this one,)was started to cope with a huge new order received when Avonmouth Docks were built in 1902. Things went big time. 30'000 tonnes a week were being blasted,sorted and crushed by 1990. The scale of this place is breathtaking- around 110 acres. The huge open mine has 5 shelves,is 250 feet deep and around 2 million gallons of water was pumped out before blasting started.Each blast produced around 8000 tonnes of limestone.
For many years was owned by Hanson Uk (the signs are still up) but in actual fact is today owned by Amey Roadstone. Theres probably a joke somewhere about a mortar company trying to cement its future in here somewhere (sorry.) The stone recently was mainly used for road construction.

The Dinosaur Bit

In 1975 five tonnes of limestone block were donated to Bristol University,visibly teeming with fossils.Their archaeologists and geologists discovered the most primitive dinosaur in the world- Thecodontosauras,a nasty looking bleeder about the size of a kangaroo. Its about 210 million years old,the only other example ever found was in 1834 and that was destroyed during ww2 when the museum it was in was flattened. This being Britain nothing happened for another 39 years,only last month did bone extraction start after securing a lottery grant for £300k. Geologists-they have their faults! (sorry again.)

The War Years

During ww1 the rail lines were used for troop movement and fodder movement for the horses.Around fifty interned Austrian POW's were put to use in the quarry.As most were officers or could be trusted,they were 'granted a certain amount of liberty.' Several stayed after the war and married locally. Nearby camp Marlwood had 42 POW's-George Hennecke,aged 21 escaped wearing a brown tunic,blue trousers and a grey overcoat.He was captured,given a strict telling off (possibly with no pudding) and sent back to camp.

During ww2 many men went off to fight,the rail lines were used mainly to transport equipment- three days after D-Day 600 wounded US troops were carried on their way to nearby Leyhill Hospital.

A small boy,yesterday,showing the sheer scale of the blocks

1897,'Iron Duke' the sites first engine.The driver is Thomas Creed,the fireman is Albert Cassell,then aged 16

The rail loading 1902- note the four wooden huts in background,built for the workers to live in

How it was in the 1980's

How it is today

Immense hopper takes your breath away,mainly when you try to climb it...

With a pounding heart and rapidly browning trousers I started to climb,when suddenly I wanted my mummy

Ah,equipment encrusted with the patina only years of honest toil can provide


One of the crushers,different crushers gave different sized aggregate

Inside another cabin,its all go in here then

Well,not all go,obviously..


Cheltenham Chronicle,4th June 1927. One of several casualities.

The only existing (restored) lime kiln-limestone was burnt and the lime used for cleaning,render,mortar,whitewash,fertilizer etc

The newer part of the site

Charming admin block and erm,thermal cameras

Another part of the older site



5 shelves (2 under water,) 250ft deep,two million gallons of water..

Every year emergency services are called to rescue people in difficulty trying to swim here,around fifty people were sunbathing and trying to picnic last year when police rudely interrupted. This isn't a site steeped in history or romance and thankfully wont attract the ingrowing shellsuit BMXing brigade,but if like James May,or myself,you get a strange fizzing sensation at the base of your penis when confronted with anything industrial this is a pleasant mooch.Just bring your hiking boots...
Hope you enjoyed,thanks for looking.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Enjoyed that :thumb mate

Make a good Dive Quarry

A strange Fizzing sensation when you were "Escort-ted" off the premises ;):coat


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some great pics there you cant beat a good quarry enjoyed that.


Staff member
Did 'security' drive a red A3 and have body guards with Alsations?


Let's do this ting
Regular User
A few of us got kicked out by the owner when we went for a swim last summer. The BBQ was just about to be lit if I recall.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers guys and Seffy- no mate, white pick ups are the choice of the discerning secca nowadays.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Still can't believe just how much kit is still there,no wonder they have secca. And without sounding like an old fogey,isn't it very dangerous to swim there,what with the high sides and cold cramping water etc? You're all a bit mental or I'm just getting old....