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Report - - Unity and Vittoria Works - Jewellery Quarter - Birmingham - Feb 2018 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Unity and Vittoria Works - Jewellery Quarter - Birmingham - Feb 2018

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Got Epic Slow?
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Just another little report to supplement @slayaaaa decent effort the other day. Its locked up again now unsurprisingly. Clebby went to have a look one lunch time and found the front door wide open and a bunch of men in suits from the local posh businesses having a casual explore on their lunch break.. Good sign it wsant going to last i guess!

Il cover the Unity Works first..What can you say about the place, just bloody good! Very similar to how George Barnsleys was back in the day just lacking the office areas that were so good in GB's. The upper floors were a bit sparse but the ground floor and basement quite the opposite. I think i went back 4 times in the end to make sure id seen everything.

This place was home to various companies over the years but as far as i know was always a silversmiths making things like tableware and trophies. Lots of stamping and forging going on presumably with an area to solder it all together somewhere too (although i dont think i saw much of that kind of thing). Most of the JQ works ive had the pleasure of exploring in the past have been jewellers so it was good to see something a little different.


Entering the works your already having to step over a discarded polishing tumbler and pair of carboys used to store acids for pickling..


The ground floor, home to the line shaft driven drop forges


The forge on the left was massive and had dies fitted to press a large silver plate


Heres a close up of some dies. Teapot spouts on the left and some kind of terrine lid on the right i think


There were 100s of these dies in here for all different stuff


You can see the rope that was pulled to tension the belt on the line shaft wheel. This lifted the weight and when it hit the top the belt would slip and the weight would drop hammering the two halves of the die together. A very simple machine but also dangerous!


At the the back here there was what looked like a little tool room area with surface grinder to sharpen tools and the remains of a lathe.


Also a small gas furnace in front of the original coal fired hearth


Across the courtyard there was a small stores area


Next down into the basement


Usual story here. Way too much stuff to look at so didn't take may photos.


We did however find this room, probably the most impressive of the whole site. 1000s of die sets going rusty on collapsing shelves and piled high with ancient equipment..


The first floor was easily the most sparse


Sign must belong to one of the last companies to operate of of the works.


1st floor would have also been home to the works offices but unfortunately they were all stripped and pretty empty. This safe makers plate tho, seen one or two before from this company and they have to be the best design out there!


Moving up to the top floor its all about stamping. These benches would have had fly presses on them


They had all been taken off and dumped on the floor however!


The early morning sunrise made for some good photos. The bench on the left was full of old stamping tools.


Managed to put a few presses back where they should be


Fairly nice set of scales too


Comedy fire alarms


One other thing we spotted were all these printing blocks. These were used to print the companies catalogues. I found some catalogues in an old locker in there but totally forgot to photograph them!!


Lastly a few odd shots


Clocking in machine and card holders


Epic sinks


Didn't fancy a tipple tho!



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Next door to the Unity works is the Vittoria Works. Its fair to say we were a bit late for this one, It looks as if they started work on the conversion and then stopped for some reason. Still, there were some bits to see still. A nice little set of drop forges in situe, not that impressive after seeing what was left next door ofcourse but still not something you see every day. I found it quite interesting that they had left a lot of stuff in the cellars too. This all had new floor put in over it so i presume its there to stay..







Baggy trousers

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's an absolutely fantastic report as usual Speed.
One I'd love to see for myself!
What happened to slayaaas report btw? One minute it's there then suddenly disappeared..
Thanks for sharing, smashing super!! :thumb


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Top stuff speed. What a place. Thanks for taking the time to explain what's in the pictures and how they work etc.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Absolutely fantastic, very impressed that you got into the basement, my “bravery” ran out at that point,


( . Y . )
Regular User
Absolutely fantastic, very impressed that you got into the basement, my “bravery” ran out at that point,

I hope that the suspiciously blue and fibrous insulation that's dangling off the ceiling didn't put you off
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good old rope stamps. Takes me back to when I was an apprentice. We had a few back then. There was an old guy called Clarence ran 'em. I couldn't watch him work, even though he still had all 10 digits.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
If anyone is interested in seeing (and hearing) them run the coffin works in birmingham is well worth a visit.

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