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Urbex Tribute Video Draft. Could you please proof the 28DL member's details?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi 28DL crew.

I've almost finished the Urbex Tribute video.

I'm so paranoid that I've got stuff mixed up that I just thought I'd chuck a draft up on 28DL and that maybe some of the older members could see if I got the 4 member’s details correct. Any corrections or additions would be greatly appreciated.

I've already changed the date for DHL to April ?, 2012 and fixed some fade in/out issues with Nick San and Lost in PA.

The final version will have a different title screen.

I'm also working on the description, which is pretty much a FAQ/complaints section, if you have any suggestions - the rough draft is below the embedded video below.

The Description that will be included when the video is posted on YouTube.

A huge thanks to everyone involved with this. Each one of you made it that bit better.

I am going to attempt to pre-empt any questions, corrections or complaints that some of you may have.

The Music: I get that many people will find the music cheesy. I couldn’t cater to everyone’s taste (I did do one snippet, but that was his song). I suggest that muting the video & watching the tribute with your own music playing might add to the overall experience.

I will most likely change the music for any follow up editions, so please email me any suggestions that you have.


Crediting: When I started gathering photos, everyone pretty much said don’t worry about crediting them. I had intended to credit all photos, but then when it started heading towards 150 photos, and gathering the information for this video took a lot more work than I was expecting (I could make another video on the making of the tribute video) and the fact that I grabbed quite a few photos from uncredited sources, that I just decided that crediting people would be too hard. Now that I’ve finished the video, I could credit you in the Video Description if you like (I think having the photographer’s name as a watermark will take away from the tribute).

Better photos: If you have better photos of someone in the tribute or even a higher resolution of a photo that I’ve used (I’m dreading watching the video on a big screen) that you would like to submit, then please send them to [email protected]

Errors: As I said, this took me many hours to get together. I luckily found a dozen errors I made during my final check, so I’m sure there will be more. Please shoot me an email and I will correct what I can. If there are any major errors that I can’t fix in YouTube Studio, then I may do a second edition sooner than planned.

Future editions: I don’t plan on doing these very often (although now that I have a template it will be a lot easier). I think having them annually would kind of take away from the tribute. A formula for a second edition sounds a bit wrong, but I guess in comes down to how many additions such as corrections, better photos and new entries come along. Put it this way, I really hope there is no need to do a second edition anytime soon.


I Missed Someone: If I’ve missed someone, please email me with (if possible) 3 photos (2 for the video and 1 for the Urbex Tributes page) and a minimum of their exploring name, their city and the date they passed away (up to the amount of information you see in this tribute). [email protected]

Privacy: If a person close to someone in this tribute thinks that they wouldn’t want to be on this tribute or that I’ve included too much information, their entry can be deleted and added to future editions with the bare minimum (exploring name, city, date of passing). All the photos I’ve used are in the public domain, but I understand that in a handful of cases I am the first to put their face and their hobby together in public – I am definitely up for talking to anyone about anything in this tribute, I’m not the media, I’m a fellow explorer who has respect for the people in this tribute.

Layout/Design: Yeah, I’m not much of a videographer or an editor. I was going to go with “Sydney, Australia” but then putting “Springfield, USA” didn’t really work and I was attempting to keep the text to a minimum to give the viewer a few seconds to view the photos.

Why did I do this?

Purely out of respect for the people in this tribute. Originally, from the 1990s, I made a tribute for Cave Clan members that had passed away that was shown at The Clannies each year. I started the Insta Urbex Tribute page a few years ago, but I am definitely not an Insta Kid… more an Insta Grand Father. I think anyone that looks at the Instagram tribute page or this video can see I’m not a TikTokker chasing Views and Likes. If anything, I’d be disappointed if this video went viral. Sure, I’ll be sharing the link and asking others to share it, but that is just my attempt at giving people that may have known people in the tribute a chance to see their friend and/or loved one.

What are you doing with the profits?
My videos don't make profits. You need to get 4000 hours of views a year and it's very unlikely that my account will ever reach that, but even if it did, any money from ads will go to the owners of the music I used in the video.

UER.CA was a great source. Once you log into, click on Forums and scroll down to the Other section then click on In Memoriam. Forums are dying off, but joining UER is highly recommended.

If you’re in the UK, then the same goes for 28 Days Later. Help keep these Forums going by joining and using them. was also a great source.

I also add each explorer that leaves us (that I am aware of) to @urbex_tributes on Instagram.

If this video inspires you to do something, then you could start by making a donation to your local Cancer, Suicide and Drug advice/support organisation(s)

I’m sure I haven’t covered it all. I’ll add anything as you ask or I remember.


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ok. I heard nothing from anyone so I'm hoping that means there are no errors.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You can delete this if you like.
I'm about to delete the draft video so not much point keeping it up.
