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Report - - Venture Tower - Portsmouth - January 2021 | High Stuff |

Report - Venture Tower - Portsmouth - January 2021

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Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
So after numerous times where I've attempted to return to 28, it's about time I actually returned to 28 - The many reports I should've made much closer to the time, have simply sat unwritten. But now that I finally have managed to catch a break, I can get back into this and the community that's kept me interested in exploring.

So with that, I give you something rather local to me, that I managed to get into just before the January lockdown hit:

A godly view in a god-forsaken city,


So let's start this off:

This place had always been in my sights since I realised it was empty, but with it being slap-bang in the middle of Fratton, you would obviously expect it to be... Locked tighter than average. But it's always good to check, and by God, did checking work in our favour... Or at least it would have initially, had we got there earlier in the day. We got beaten to it by vandals the first time, just before new year - We watched the vandals smash stuff up as we stood on the other side of the street from the entry point... The Police showed up, did some wrist-slapping and alas, the only way in was sealed the next day.
But I had a hunch, we kept checking and checking. Despite some gloomy opinions here and there, my hunch wasn't in vain, on a cold day in January, my mate got in contact with us and said the same point of entry was open again... I grabbed my bags hastily and off we went.

My knowledge of what this building formerly was is limited to say the least, I don't even know when this tower was built. I believe it's 8 floors. There's been plans to turn it into student accommodation, but I'm yet to see anything done. Signage inside the tower referenced workers unions and such, and there were fairly recent papers on a door from a local college mentioning the ending of their lease to the building. The building still had power and running water at the time of visiting, and presumably still does. The only active use of this building that I do know of is the telecomms equipment on the roof, broadcasting 4G/5G to Fratton - That equipment is very much still maintained.

This building practically made for a day out. We needed it, and we enjoyed it to the fullest. The building may be fairly stripped, but this is probably the highest view of Portsmouth we could get without paying money for it. I brought drinks up for everyone on the top floor, we all were rocking DSLRs and we were genuinely out to explore a building that we had been joking about exploring for years. We even returned the same night to get some stunning night time shots of the city, more than worth it considering I also had a new (used) Canon to test out.

So onto the photos:

Part of the first and second floor still appeared to be furnished, albeit smashed to pieces. The taps still run in here and so does the power.



A very smashed up former office.


For once, a toilet that didn't stink.


Who hasn't done the washing up then?


The fusebox for this section of the building.

The initial part of the building we looked at showed obvious evidence of recent use. The fusebox was still fully on and fairly new furniture still remained, but what came after was a lot more reminiscent of this building's dilapidated presence. The larger floors had been completely stripped, but the view up on the 8th floor was what we came for.
These floors do bear exposed wiring, watch your step if you ever get into this place.





This was found on the third floor I believe, it more than likely would still work.

Whilst the 1st and 2nd floors were still nice and open, what came after sealed the deal for us...




These upper floors had a main stairwell and a lift that actually still worked on the west end, and an emergency stairwell on the eastern end. The view from either side was perfect on such a clear day.


The lift side. The heavily damaged room in the background was presumably a toilet, these were on every floor.


The emergency stairwell, no lift here, just pain.





This still works...


And I've saved the best for last here. I can't begin to summarise the levels of hype when we realised we could access the roof, we had to go through a maintenance passage to reach the way out to the rooftop, but a little bit of knee pain isn't even a price for the view we got. We couldn't stay on the roof for too long though, there's a lot of active 4G/5G equipment up there.


The lift machinery room at the top of the building, next to our passageway to the roof. The machinery seems to look rather modern and STILL FUNCTIONS.



It was also worth the return in the night!



And before I end this report, is it truly a report by Rainey if it doesn't have at least one of these?



So that is Venture Tower. I hope you lads enjoyed this report, I feel it's kind of underdone, but that's probably just me holding myself to unfair standards. This place was fun, and I cracked a smile writing this.

Thank you for reading.

- Rainey -


This was the former business of Venture Limited, but don't know how many floors it occupied. Formed in January 1987 it was dissolved in April 2016. Previously known as Elmin Limited, it was involved in some sort of financial services. In 2017 the council agreed to turn the building into student accommodation were also at the building from 2000 to 2007 before being dissolved, and I've found Suite 9 for sale for £210,000 but later taken off the market, so conclude Venture Limited sublet some of the space


Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
@westernsultan Damn, thankyou for giving some details of this place. I suppose that explains the name eh? It does all add up though - Interesting to finally know.

@Seffy It's honestly just what we needed. Basically a late new year urbex for us.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone happen to know if this is still accessible, had a look this morning couldn't see a way in so had to move onto my next explore.


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
I do like a nice, relaxed roof top. Even if offices are a bit crap inside, it’s always good to see photos from inside them. Just to see, If you know what I mean. Well shot, and persistence clearly paid off here. I always make a point to do everything in my local area, and there’s a few places I’ve been waiting literal years to open up!


This is not a good idea. Let's do it.
28DL Full Member
Great shots there mate, looked a good explore. Special props go to the man brave enough to wear shorts in January :thumb

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