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Report - - Wagon & Horses, Stoke on Trent, February 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Wagon & Horses, Stoke on Trent, February 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
History The earliest known record of the pub is from 1818, with the first record of the name "Waggon & Horses" from 1834. The pub was renamed Potters Lodge, before returning to its original name in 2009 when new owners bought and refurbished the venue. A local resident said it had been fully-booked for Sunday lunch the day before, so it was still a popular venue when on Monday 27th June 2011 at around 9pm, arsonists were reported to have broken into the building (it was closed on Mondays) and started fires on the upper floor that spread to the roof. Fire crews remained at the scene until 9am and the pub never reopened.

The explore: this place is easy to locate and access, the upstairs is a no go due to fire damage and in all honestly there isn’t a lot to see. It’s quite derp but I just fancied checking it out as it’s only down the road from me and I have seen it for a while.

Disclaimer: this isn’t the best / most interesting of reports and all photos are taken on an iPhone X. Enjoy it if this is your type of thing :)

The front entrance

Old bar area with bar actually missing

Specials of the day

part of the seating area leading to the toilets.

The old front entrance internally.



Art isn’t a crime

Corridor leading to staff areas, kitchen and stairs which were all derp.

What it looked like before the fire


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This place was our very first explore many moons ago we've visited a couple of times since just out of interest, I remember upstairs one room was full of Christmas trees and decorations! Also there's a questionable amount of toilets in one building! We're also very local to this, my avatar is of the all seeing eye from this place!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This place was our very first explore many moons ago we've visited a couple of times since just out of interest, I remember upstairs one room was full of Christmas trees and decorations! Also there's a questionable amount of toilets in one building! We're also very local to this, my avatar is of the all seeing eye from this place!
Funny you should say that, I did mention to someone I was with that there was a strange amount of toilets for an average sized pub haha.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I drive past this pub every day during the week and have done for the past 3 years on my way to work, has become pretty trashed in that time, although I had seen somewhere that the site had been sold off for residential development.

That’s good news it is an eye sore and the near by houses must get some right goons being loud and destructive.

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