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Report - - Walkabout - Southampton - August 2018 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Walkabout - Southampton - August 2018

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Xexxa the red
I wasn't prepared for this one, hence the phone shots.

Interesting building, it used to be a bank, and has two levels of vaults. I have been told they were the largest gold vaults in the coutry at the time they were built. It was turned in to nightclubs once it ceased to be used as a bank. Now it is a shadow of it's former self, full of junkies and pigeons. Interestingly, there are handprints on all the walls covering pretty much the whole building.

Fututre use is supposed to be stundent accomodation (surprise surprise) so it will probably end up being worse than it is now... On to the terrible shots.

I said I was unprepared..

The old kitchen. Boring.

I NEVER post access details, so please don't ask me.







28DL Member
28DL Member
This brings a tear to my eye seeing these pics. I worked here from the start of March 1999 when they were still in the building stage, the bar hadn't even been completed until 2003(on and off) when I returned home to Oz. The pic of the bedroom is actually a room that was out of bounds that myself and girlfriend at the time( now wife) fixed up and made our bedroom including mirrors attached to the ceiling and donas or doova's or whatever you call them placed under the carpet that we fitted that room originally was called the pigeon room as it was completely covered in dead birds. I have so many pics of the whole pub in it's heyday including the cellar and paper clippings. The Walkabout use to bring in on average around £32K on a Saturday night and around £120k on an average week with no big nights. The best night was when Southampton played in the final(2003?), can't remember what final it was, we lost but blimey it was a ripper of a day/night. I remember giving all the locals that I became friends with free drinks for the day and whenever they came back in, ha which happen to be daily. These people made the pub, you, the locals, these people even came over to Oz for my wedding. Now 20 years on we have a drink together on messenger between the kids fighting and the washing. The Walkabout in Sutton were the best days of my life from drinking with locals to eating dodgie kebabs across the road at stupied O'clock. If anyone wants pics of what the walkabout was really like especially when the doors were closed jist ask i even built a mini Walkabout at my home in the Gold Coast( a few original Walkabout memorabilia used for this )


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This brings a tear to my eye seeing these pics. I worked here from the start of March 1999 when they were still in the building stage, the bar hadn't even been completed until 2003(on and off) when I returned home to Oz. The pic of the bedroom is actually a room that was out of bounds that myself and girlfriend at the time( now wife) fixed up and made our bedroom including mirrors attached to the ceiling and donas or doova's or whatever you call them placed under the carpet that we fitted that room originally was called the pigeon room as it was completely covered in dead birds. I have so many pics of the whole pub in it's heyday including the cellar and paper clippings. The Walkabout use to bring in on average around £32K on a Saturday night and around £120k on an average week with no big nights. The best night was when Southampton played in the final(2003?), can't remember what final it was, we lost but blimey it was a ripper of a day/night. I remember giving all the locals that I became friends with free drinks for the day and whenever they came back in, ha which happen to be daily. These people made the pub, you, the locals, these people even came over to Oz for my wedding. Now 20 years on we have a drink together on messenger between the kids fighting and the washing. The Walkabout in Sutton were the best days of my life from drinking with locals to eating dodgie kebabs across the road at stupied O'clock. If anyone wants pics of what the walkabout was really like especially when the doors were closed jist ask i even built a mini Walkabout at my home in the Gold Coast( a few original Walkabout memorabilia used for this )
Would be nice to see


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Let's see them then
This brings a tear to my eye seeing these pics. I worked here from the start of March 1999 when they were still in the building stage, the bar hadn't even been completed until 2003(on and off) when I returned home to Oz. The pic of the bedroom is actually a room that was out of bounds that myself and girlfriend at the time( now wife) fixed up and made our bedroom including mirrors attached to the ceiling and donas or doova's or whatever you call them placed under the carpet that we fitted that room originally was called the pigeon room as it was completely covered in dead birds. I have so many pics of the whole pub in it's heyday including the cellar and paper clippings. The Walkabout use to bring in on average around £32K on a Saturday night and around £120k on an average week with no big nights. The best night was when Southampton played in the final(2003?), can't remember what final it was, we lost but blimey it was a ripper of a day/night. I remember giving all the locals that I became friends with free drinks for the day and whenever they came back in, ha which happen to be daily. These people made the pub, you, the locals, these people even came over to Oz for my wedding. Now 20 years on we have a drink together on messenger between the kids fighting and the washing. The Walkabout in Sutton were the best days of my life from drinking with locals to eating dodgie kebabs across the road at stupied O'clock. If anyone wants pics of what the walkabout was really like especially when the doors were closed jist ask i even built a mini Walkabout at my home in the Gold Coast( a few original Walkabout memorabilia used for this )
Would be nice to see


Urbex Addict
28DL Full Member
Last time I was in there a couple of Tew bros cans turnt up and started sheeting the
Back door up. Very puzzled looks when we walked out

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