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Report - - Walton-On-The-Hill Tunnels - The Dodgy Phone Edition (Liverpool, May, 2022) | Underground Sites |

Report - Walton-On-The-Hill Tunnels - The Dodgy Phone Edition (Liverpool, May, 2022)

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Disused rail tunnels are dull at the best of times and the Walton ones are no exception.

But since someone recently asked me about these I went for an evening wander with a few torches to assess the current situation.

I thought I might as well do it entirely by phone since I was curious to see how a typical phone (iPhone 12) would fare in the dark.

Verdict - not bad, a bit grainy, but all you really need for exploring.

History. Plenty online, see e.g.

The tunnels stretch from a roundabout on Queens Drive in the north, the site of the former Walton-on-the Hill Station, to Kirkdale Station in the south, with two short cuttings as shown in the plan below.

This plan is an edited version of one from the subbrit link above, and is not to scale.


I’ve been visiting these tunnels for years, and used to walk the dog through them after all the rubbish was removed from the cuttings sometime in the 2000s.

There are several reports on here including a few pictures in one of mine:

Like the somewhat longer tunnels at Edge Hill (Wapping and Victoria&Waterloo) the Walton ones are always open, although access is not quite as easy as it used to be.

Heading in from the south next to Kirkdale Station, the first thing you come across is part of the Canada Dock or Bootle Branch line, emerging immediately to the right of the Walton tunnel portals.

Diesel freight trains still trundle down here to the docks.


There are two Walton portals in the south since a second tunnel (on the right) was started but never completed.


Inside the main tunnel (No 3) with one of the five entrances into the incomplete section.


Looking down the main tunnel with two more entrances lit by torches.


Inside the unfinished tunnel - there are still some raised sections of sandstone in the floor which were never excavated.




Through the first cutting near Selwyn Street.



Middle tunnel (No 2).





Pegs in the wall for ducting.


Through the Liston Street cutting.



Looking back.


Now in No 1 tunnel, with the first of two incomplete sections off to the side.



Looking north in No 1 tunnel, the triangular things in the ceiling are foundations for a flyover on Queens Drive above.

The entrance to another incomplete section can just be seen on the right - the floor here has been backfilled by about a yard.


Inside the second side tunnel, photo taken immediately in front of the ‘rathole’, which is what I call the alternative entrance to these tunnels.


There’s a post on here all about the rathole - just skip to the end:



At the end of the crawly section is a little arch which leads into a shaft at the top of which is another short offset shaft to the surface.

The brickwork is just a skin inside a sandstone hole and some of the rungs are a bit loose.



Back into the main tunnel here’s the end, currently locked.


And from the other side earlier in the day.


Finally a few more heading back out in darkness - the first one was actually taken with a camera some time ago.

The orange glow in the trees in the final photo is from Kirkdale Station off to the right.



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28DL Regular User
Regular User
some great snaps there as railway tunnels go its an interesting one a lot of wasted effort by the builders there for them not to all be finished and usable

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Phone pics came out really well. So many unfinished sections, I fail to see why. But nice to see the smaller intersections & hatch & rungs.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
...So many unfinished sections, I fail to see why....

The CLC who built this line (see the subbrit link above) partially completed the second tunnel but it was never needed, maybe because they were in competition with too many other railways to the docks.

It was part of the North Liverpool Extension Line and like many other disused lines in Liverpool there have been proposals for reuse although the section immediately north of the tunnels in now covered in housing.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
The CLC who built this line (see the subbrit link above) partially completed the second tunnel but it was never needed, maybe because they were in competition with too many other railways to the docks.

It was part of the North Liverpool Extension Line and like many other disused lines in Liverpool there have been proposals for reuse although the section immediately north of the tunnels in now covered in housing.
Just read the link, great read, very extensive. Wasn't expecting so much history but there is loads. Thanks UC

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just goes to show there's no excuse the the shit photos so many churn out online. Phones have been more than cabable of handling low light well for the last 5 or more years. Nice report that as always dude.

agreed, I genuinely think some people must try to make their pics bad!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great read and love the photos. They really have given me a feel for exactly what it must be like in there. I'm new to the site and picking up great tips from threads like this on how to prepare my first report. Thanks for sharing,

Cheers Steve

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