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Report - - Wardley Colliery / The Zone, Newcastle - May 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Wardley Colliery / The Zone, Newcastle - May 2019

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Throw torches should not be thrown!
28DL Full Member
This is one of my older searches and low and behold the one day we chose to find this the weather gave us absolute hell. Anyway sometime last march me and my group went out on search for this colliery which used to be a indoor paintball arena as well if i remember correctly and its hidden just off the beaten path near the Pelaw metro station with the easiest entry into a site ever (If you've been you'll know what I mean) and from there we just climbed and searched around the buildings and mainly hid inside till the weather let us leave to find more places later on but anyway here are some of the best shots i got whilst on the site:




All the other pictures from the shoot day can be found on my Instagram: @hvdesphotography
If you want any of the history of the building feel free to message me or lookup Wardley Colliery on google and you'll be able to have a deep dive
(I have no clue why the pictures veer off to the side my apologies)
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