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Report - - Wet Feet Nuclear Fallout Shelter - Germany - June. 2020 | Military Sites |

Report - Wet Feet Nuclear Fallout Shelter - Germany - June. 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In the begin of the 50s and 60s the fear of a nuclear war was increasing heavily. The direct consequences of this fear was the construction to protect people from this. This was done with nuclear fallout shelters under some major cities everywhere in Europe and the United States. A couple of months ago I had the chance to visit one of those unique structures hidden somewhere under a now demolished parking garage in the middle of a small city. The bunker itself was decommissioned when the cold war was over and permanently abandoned in 2010.

Even though that a lot of parts warent accessible due to a flooding and a collapse, I still really enjoyed this explore. Truly a unique place.

Nuclear Bunker Control room by ForgottenBuildings, on Flickr

Diesel Generator by ForgottenBuildings, on Flickr

Hot and Cold by ForgottenBuildings, on Flickr

Ventilation by ForgottenBuildings, on Flickr

Bathroom by ForgottenBuildings, on Flickr

I also made a video of this nuclear fallout shelter, where we will go more in-depth into the history:

Thanks for reading and watching!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I just noticed that I've put my report in the wrong category. Sorry! Admins could it be moved over to the European places category?

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