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What's the LOUDEST thing you've ever done on an explore? | General Exploring Chat Forum |

What's the LOUDEST thing you've ever done on an explore?

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Something just reminded me of something, so I was wondering...

What's the LOUDEST thing you've ever done on an explore?


Set the bells off at St Joseph's Seminary, I phoned Dweeb so he could have a listen.

Set the fire extinguisher off at Ham Mills. Problem with that was is that it comprised of six two-metre high canisters of CO2 that literally exploded into each room. The aftermath was quite impressive as well, with booms, dry ice pouring out of Windows, screaming neighbours, firemen and police.

Set the alarms off at Chilmark RGHQ (and another place in the same country as well) - you could hear them bloody miles away.

Probably got more when I really think about it...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So far I've been relatively stealthy on explores. However, when I was at Cwm Coke, we were walking across the gantry by the coke ovens, there was some corrugated iron sheet on the gantry that I skirted around, my 18st mate went straight over the stuff, making a hell of a racket just as secca were doing their rounds. A close encounter with a german shepherd ensued. Pants were shat then we were escorted off site.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
When Keïteï & I spent 24 hours in Southall gas holder we were amazed by the echo's caused by pretty much anything we did. Once we had the daytime shots & were waiting for darkness to leave the site we naturally got a little bored & started dropping stuff from 90m up to see how loud it was. Everything from a bowl of pancake mix to a nut & bolt sounded ballistically loud. Then I decided it would be fun to throw a pretty large cast winch handle down. As soon as it left my hand we both looked at each other with that horrified expression of anticipated doom, then BOOM! Something akin to a bomb going off filled the whole place & I said something like "Oh well, we got our day shots" fully expecting to hear the lift outside kick into action. It didn't & we dropped nothing else after that. Well, apart from urine which when done from 90m up hitting a hollow steel piston sounds like a cow having a piss right by your ear :D


Poking holes since '84
28DL Full Member
Well I've been pretty quiet when out and about and the fact I haven't been out much doesn't help! But the loudest thing I've heard, would again be related to DHL and underground :D


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Apart form knocking things and them dropping loudly in places where stealth was the main point..i think this has to be the Loudest,knowingly going past a pir to grab a few shots while this screeched out



Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
I could nominate myself for when Ojay came running up some steps not too far from the security hut saying "They'll have heard that in fucking Chelsea" :D

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