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Report - Wigan/Mesnes Park Air Raid Shelter - Wigan - June 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Great Wiganese Derp Hunt

I'm on a roll, I've been out derp hunting again with @jaynelouise and @Bigjobs. This time we decided we were going local and we're hitting up the super derps in Wigan ;)

I know, I know EVERYWHERE in Wigan has been done many many times because let's be fair there isn't really a lot to do in Wigan! However, before we get to Wigan I was so astounded by our first stop off that I couldn't wait to share with you, well what can I say....the most epic Air Raid Shelter I have ever been in, in my entire life.....

Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce the one and only (that's a lie, by the way, there are lots of them apparently) supersized Haydock Air Raid Shelter.

You simply cannot be anything other than wholly overwhelmed, impressed and amazed by the sheer size and epicness of this find, how I have never found this on the forum before utterly astounds me! and you call yourselves explorers, what is the community coming to?????

Anyway, I'm sure you can't wait for the photos, erm well, photo! I was so amazed by its immense presence I completely forgot to take any more pictures, ahem well that and the fact I was almost against the rear wall taking this one!


Ok so it's tiny, but it is super cute though!

Well after that we headed into Wigan and got down and dirty in the land of pies. This place hasn't been on the forum for a couple of years and to be fair it hasn't changed. So tough fucking luck you're getting to see exactly the same photos and shit that is in all the other reports. BUT I did a derp and I promised myself that I would do more reports so meh if you don't wanna look then just don't I don't care :P

Before I go any further, I would just like to say if you are a goontuber - fuck off there is no hidden city here, if you are a paranormal - fuck off they are dust spores, not fucking orbs! If you are those utter twats who fake shit - there are no fucking ghost nuns or escaped asylum patients waving plastic knives covered in fake blood and no, the occultists did not descend on us and offer us up as sacrifices to the devil. The only sacrifice on this trip was a steak pie on a barm/bap/bun whatever the fuck you want to call it, which was sacrificed to the god of hunger.

So anyway here's a little history

It is actually a trench shelter and has a capacity of 750 (well it may have but it doesn't now as a lot is blocked off!)

The shelter was built to protect the staff from both Ryelands Spinning Mills and Pagefield Ironworks during WW2 to escape the Nazi bombings. They are alleged to maze out underneath the whole of Mesnes Park and maybe even wider.

And that's pretty much all I know about them, so here have some pics you will already have seen very similar versions of if you have read any other reports here :D If you haven't then I hope you enjoy :D
















Regular User
If it wasn't worth it anyway it is for this ;-)

Before I go any further, I would just like to say if you are a goontuber - fuck off there is no hidden city here, if you are a paranormal - fuck off they are dust spores, not fucking orbs! If you are those utter twats who fake shit - there are no fucking ghost nuns or escaped asylum patients waving plastic knives covered in fake blood and no, the occultists did not descend on us and offer us up as sacrifices to the devil. The only sacrifice on this trip was a steak pie on a barm/bap/bun whatever the fuck you want to call it, which was sacrificed to the god of hunger

Are the buildings next to the baby Stanton still derelict?
The trench shelters are civil rather than built specifically for the nearby mills. They are mentioned in a couple of planning documents at the library near there but I never got as far as looking for the various council committee minutes to see if I could find any more detail. Often the best source for these is actually the local newspapers of the time as they kept the locals abreast of publically available shelters (eg many shops made available their basements) and the location/rate of construction of the larger Council provided ones.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ha ha thanks. To be fair I did get the history out the newspaper it just didn't say much

Urban ex-k

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi scrappy can you suggest any good places around devon?, I'm just starting out & haven't been in Devon area for long,thanks

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