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Information - Wildboar Hotel - Beeston Towers - Tarporley

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am posting this as I hope members/readers will show respect to the content. I have seen this site detailed on here and from what I have read no harm has been done. However; I am part of a group of people who intend to save this building and to this extent I am asking that you don't try and get into it anymore. In the very near future the security will be 'beefed up' to a 24/7 system and work on the building will start soon. As we were having our last meeting, last week, we noticed a man on the roof - ironic !
I'm sure that we all want the best for this building, I asking for your help in agreeing to leave it alone

Thank you


grumpy sod
Regular User
Unfortunately it's somewhat 'shutting the door after the horse has bolted', the place was totalled last year by the mass invasion of goons throwing themselves around the place sadly.

That being said, if there are some improved measures to keep the place from catching fire that can only be a good thing.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
I am posting this as I hope members/readers will show respect to the content. I have seen this site detailed on here and from what I have read no harm has been done. However; I am part of a group of people who intend to save this building and to this extent I am asking that you don't try and get into it anymore. In the very near future the security will be 'beefed up' to a 24/7 system and work on the building will start soon. As we were having our last meeting, last week, we noticed a man on the roof - ironic !
I'm sure that we all want the best for this building, I asking for your help in agreeing to leave it alone

Thank you
It's very sad what was done to this place. When it first became accessible it was a lovely building and the level of damage done to it over a few weeks was astounding. At one point it was like a tourist attraction, cars full of people turning up to 'explore' it and a gangs of teenagers smashing it up around them. Probably busier than when it was open. All down to the facebook and youtube types for plastering it all over the big social media platforms yet again......

NB Bolli

28DL Member
28DL Member
So I live within spitting distance of this place and to see it now is horrendous, the council served urgent works notice on the owner back in July/august, still nothing has been done, the boarded up windows and doors have been ripped off yet again and the place is totally open to the elements, the council need to get their finger out and pursue the urgent works notice, if something isn't done soon we fear this place will just crumble and eventually fall down.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I agree with you. I am doing all I can to save this building. The Urgent Works Notice expired on 25th August & the council agreed to step in & do the work (invoicing the owner) but an environmental survey has been done which shows that there are hundreds of bats in the building. On the one hand we have the law relating to Urgent Works & on the other we have the law relating to bats. At the moment, the bats are winning. A licence is being applied for to enable work to be undertaken whilst protecting the bats. I will keep those concerned up to date. If you live near Bunbury, please look at The Paper (out tomorrow) for an update. This building has not been forgotten

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
So I live within spitting distance of this place and to see it now is horrendous, the council served urgent works notice on the owner back in July/august, still nothing has been done, the boarded up windows and doors have been ripped off yet again and the place is totally open to the elements, the council need to get their finger out and pursue the urgent works notice, if something isn't done soon we fear this place will just crumble and eventually fall down.

so often the case Im afraid


28DL Member
28DL Member
hi all i went to this hotel last sunday with my daughter and son in law and did a video on it and i was very upset what i seen in side it as been completely smashed up. and i totally
agree the building needs to saved. and lock up tight to stop more damage being done to the building.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well - At long last I can say that the work started on this building this week. Security fencing has been put up together with a number of other, covert , security measures. The building will be repaired for the time being but then fully refurbished over the next few months. It as taken a long time and lots of heartache but it has been saved !


grumpy sod
Regular User
Well - At long last I can say that the work started on this building this week. Security fencing has been put up together with a number of other, covert , security measures. The building will be repaired for the time being but then fully refurbished over the next few months. It as taken a long time and lots of heartache but it has been saved !

I really hope that's the case, but I fear this will just be another 'believe it when I see it' sort of deal.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Well - At long last I can say that the work started on this building this week. Security fencing has been put up together with a number of other, covert , security measures. The building will be repaired for the time being but then fully refurbished over the next few months. It as taken a long time and lots of heartache but it has been saved !

really bloody el was there a few weeks back & thought the only thing that would get is a bulldozer!

NB Bolli

28DL Member
28DL Member
Well folks, this place has this week been demolished (the new part of the hotel), the developers have achieved in getting planning permission to remove the relatively new part and retain the old historic part of the site.

the plans are to restore the historic buildings and convert them to two dwellings, then build 12 luxury homes on the carpark areas of the hotel.

This is fantastic news for the community as finally it looks that the old buildings have been saved.


Useful Idiot
Regular User
Fair play if they can pull the conversion off but I'm a bit doubtful, the place was beyond fucked back in 2020 when me and @coolboyslim went. Arguably the bit they've demo'd was in the best condition. :D





28DL Regular User
Regular User
the plans are to restore the historic buildings and convert them to two dwellings, then build 12 luxury homes on the carpark areas of the hotel.

Let me guess, you're going to build the 12 luxury houses first right? Tbf that business model worked really well at Stallington, Leybourne Grange, Standish, Great Barr... etc.

I'd suggest it's better news for your pocket than the community.

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