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Report - - Yaverland Battery/Magazine, Isle of Wight, Sep20 | Military Sites |

Report - Yaverland Battery/Magazine, Isle of Wight, Sep20

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g00n Buster
Staff member
Completed in 1864, Yaverland Battery was one of numerous forts established around the Channel coast in the face of an anticipated French landing that never materialised, under the controversial direction of Prime Minister Lord Palmerston. Over the years the Yaverland fortification was subject to a number of adaptations and was still in use in the early 1950s as a training centre. It was finally sold off in 1956 and, like some other coastal forts, became an ideal spot for a holiday centre.

As the holiday facilities developed, parts of the fort were increasingly flattened with the remaining sections left to become heavily overgrown. The new owner acquired the site in 2008 and decided the remains should not only be preserved but recovered to form an integral part of a redesigned holiday centre.

Much of the surrounding Carnot wall has long since gone but most of the long seaward section remains, together with its two musketry Caponiers. .The fort's main gun emplacements still survive.

I was over on the island for a family holiday, checked these out or some near it when I was a kid. Anyone who has been to the island knows it is full of this sort of stuff. I find it interesting. It was all cleared out back in 2008 and if you check out xplorer x’s report here

You can compare it to how overgrown it is now. Good mooch with my old man on a red hot day. I never learn my lesson but I really need to stop exploring in shorts!

More info can be found here

The site from google earth



Plan of the site from subbrit I think


One of the Caponiers, didn’t bother going inside. It was rank, bags of dog turd, piss, and empty cans. Standard.



When it had been cleared 2008

















28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
AH the one off the Cliff Path......................yes we looked at that a few times in the early 00's no photos tho!


Torch Wavker
Regular User
Some good stuff there, with some old features still in tact. That shell lift is awesome!

We used to holiday here all the time as a teenager, but on the Freshwater side. We used to climb about on the Warden Point Battery over by Totland Bay all the time


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had a wander around the fence a couple of weeks ago and should have nipped over the fence for a quick look, will do next time I am up there. Did you manage to access the other caponier?


g00n Buster
Staff member
Had a wander around the fence a couple of weeks ago and should have nipped over the fence for a quick look, will do next time I am up there. Did you manage to access the other caponier?

i didn’t no. I didn’t realise there was another one until I researched it once I’d already been. It was very overgrown so I’m not sure if you can see it.
Worth a look though next time you’re over that way.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
i didn’t no. I didn’t realise there was another one until I researched it once I’d already been. It was very overgrown so I’m not sure if you can see it.
Worth a look though next time you’re over that way.
I did not realise how close the second caponier is to the end of the battery until I saw your overlay. I have walked around the end of the chalets on the right, but did not see it.


Regular User
There's a room attached to the old wall with the machinery for the drawbridge, shout me when you are over there next @freshwateriow my house was the married officers accommodation


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There's a room attached to the old wall with the machinery for the drawbridge, shout me when you are over there next @freshwateriow my house was the married officers accommodation
Hi, I am up for a look around whenever you are free. I suppose it will have to wait until the holiday season is over. Cheers

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