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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Chernobyl Exclusion Zone February 2018

Hello, I visited Ukraine this week and had a great time! Please see below for a link to my Chernobyl video playlist. Currently I have 2 up, but should have one or two more soon.

Here are some of my favourite pictures from the visit:







My full album can be found here: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Hope you enjoy. If you want to go here I highly recommend it. Ukraine is a fantastic country!

Video - The Old Abandoned Farmhouse - Charnock Richard - Chorley

The old abandoned farmhouse - Charnock Richard - Chorley - Feb 2018

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a lot of history on this place except that it was possibly once owned by a freemason.
The house was brimming with history and there were artefacts at every turn.

One of my favourite explores so far.

A quality trip back in time with quality likeminded people.

Video - Churchills Derelict Grade Two Listed Pub - Bolton Lancashire - Feb 2018

Churchills Pub Bolton Lancashire - Feb 2018 - Video report

This week on Bygone Pubs we take a look into the derelict Grade two listed Churchills pub in Bolton Lancashire Formerly The Rose Hill Tavern.
Many a Bolton fan will remember a match day at Burnden Park then off to Churchills for a good old pint.
Unfortunately, though those memories are all that remains.

Video - Sion Hill Middle School - Kidderminster

If your from Kidderminster, Then you've probably heard of the abandoned middle school at the top of Sion Hill, or "Mush Mountain" as my girlfriend likes to call it. This place is used quite often by the Airsoft group "First & Only". Me and Cam thankfully went on a day that they weren't there, as i didn't really feel like getting shot with a BB gun.
I'm not too sure when this place closed however it cant have been too long as i know people in there 40's (family friends) that went here. The place is in pretty good condition except some fire damage on the ground floor, but even that isn't too bad. The place has been cleaned up a lot due to there being Airsoft games in there, which was a shame, i like to see a place when its falling apart.

From the outside it looks like your typical school, but its actually quite a nice building, as far as schools go. There is currently plans to redevelop the site, probably into more houses. I personally think it will be a shame to see this place go.

I love this photo that I took from in the long grass of the now very overgrown sports field.

And here's me, Jake, Trying to look hard with those skinny arms and noodle legs :D.

The next "few" Blogs aren't going to have that many photos on either as i mainly focus on filming, however in my more recent explores I do try and take more photos, but its hard to take photos and film at the same time, I could really do with a Photographer in my group...
Thanks for Reading, Stay safe explorers
Check out my YouTube channel for weekly exploring videos: Jake Alan Craig
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Video - Longlands School - Stourbridge - May 2017/September 2017

Welcome back, so this is Longlands school in Stourbridge. This is the 2nd place that I've explored. Again I don't know a lot of the history and didn't take many pictures. the history that I do know about this place it that it was used as an all girls school which opened in 1912 and closed in 1990, I'm not sure why. it then reopened as an art college, as part of Stourbridge college but unfortunately if finally closed its doors in 2011. On the 6th if September 2016, 4 fire engines were called out to the school to deal with multiple fires that had been started by vandals. It took nearly 2 hours for the fire brigade to get the fires under control. Article about the fires. It was after reading the article that I actually first found out about the school, and I just had to check the place out for myself. The first time I went to the school i spent nearly 2 hours wandering the grounds joined be my friends Cam and Joe. The first time we went we were successful, but when we went back a few months later there was a security guard, who wasn't the politest man I've met. We went back purely to find the canteen and kitchen, which we had missed the first time, and unfortunately we didnt get into the buikding the 2nd time we went, but I am determined, I will see the canteen, and I WILL BE BACK!



We actually played Frisbee in here so that was fun i guess.
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Video - Fullers Earthworks Feb 2018


Video - Ajeers Reclamation yard in Surrey

Pretty decent explore this, closed down in late 2016. Still lots of stuff left and not too much vandalism here

Video - Byone pub's - The Old Sodality Club - Leigh Lancashire - Feb - 2018

The Old Sodality Club #Leigh Lanc's

This video is the first of my new series #bygonepubs where Il be documenting the steady decline of these wonderful gathering holes as the corporations' franchises and chains etc increase their stamp on society.

I've had wonderful feedback from many people since posting this video on "cough cough" Facebook, who've told me many wonderful stories about the place before it was lost to economic decline thank's to the powers that be.

I believe the place closed in 2010 ish and was once a popular watering hole for many a denizen. From parties to football to darts and karaoke the place once bustled with the familiar tone's of friendship and alcoholism "Swigs his Guinness".
You can almost hear the faint echoes of the past in places like these so I'd like to share my documentation of the place in a video format as I did not get many pics.

Thanks for any feedback guys.


The Urban Collective
We Film It...

Video - Abandoned Coronation Street Set - Granada Studios - Feb - 2018 - Video Report

Abandoned Coronation Street Set - Granada Studios - Feb - 2018 - Video Report

Hey guys, being a Mancunian I felt it was necessary documenting this place before its finally gone for good.
Having grown up and been force-fed the show by wonderful mum I must admit it felt strange being there...

All in all, though it was a quality day as we also did the Arches later that night.

Also since making this video, I have become aware of the dos and don'ts with regards to video footage and from now on will only be showing the actual place and not the getting in bit.

Quite simply I enjoy making these videos and don't want a bad rep, especially, if I was to get tarnished as a typical Youtuber with no plans other than trying to make money etc. (That is not my goal)

I love what I do and enjoy sharing the experiences and I hope you do too.

Any feedback greatly appreciated guys.


Ps we did get gripped lol...

Video - Thoresby Colliery - 2015

An explore from a few years back. I'm hopeing to get a few more UE videos made this year but I have alot to learn about the technical side of things, aswell has how to get footage of exploring that doesn't end up with sites burnt and me in a cell. Its not as easy as it looks!
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