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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - AWESOME Underground tunnels exploration in vienna!

Whats up people,

i guess i am going to post this video one last time in this forum. A friend of mine and me decided to explore the construction site of some new subway tunnels in vienna (Austria). It was a blast and we made a little video for you guys. I hope you like it. The link is below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Video - Awesome Crane Climb at Sunrise!

Hallo guys, we recently climbed a pretty high crane in our home country austria. It was pretty foggy but the footage and the view was still cool. Hope you like the video :)

Video - London Wall Place - August 2016

Been away in the US the majority of the summer but I just got back 3 days ago, so back to business! Hit this one up with @RockyPls in the am and it was quite rewarding. I hate writing reports so on to the over edited photos.

Sunrise from the beams (rocky in the picture)

Top of luffing jib (rocky at the bottom)

His first time up a jib

And last pic of him in front of barbican

I tend to love people pics way more than when nobody is pictured, so that's mainly what I post.

I figured climbing over a wall wasn't baiting out the entrance. This site has been up for quite a while so definitely hit it soon!


Video - Lafarge Cement Works controlled demolition, Wiltshire - September 2016

Not sure what happened to the first video I put up, but here it is again.

In February 2009, Lafarge announced manufacturing at the plant, which opened in 1962, would be suspended as a result of increasingly difficult cost and market conditions.

For over half a century the chimney has towered above Wiltshire, being easly identified from miles away, until this morning, when a controlled demolition removed this iconic landmark leaving almost no trace of its existence.
I couldn't see the flag a member of this site attached to the top of the chimney, guessing they took it down beforehand.

Thanks for looking.

Video - Driving into an abandoned mine

Not my video, popped up on my newsfeed today...

We did this in the Paris suburbs, good fun, but not great for the car.

Video - 100m Crane Climb Vienna

hey guys,

we recently climbed a 100m crane in vienna. We did it at night an so we did not get spotted.
Hope you guys like the video!

Video - St Joesephs Hospital/Orphanage - Preston - June 2016


Video - Kellingley Colliery (Big K) - Here, there and everywhere

Myself, @Raz & @The Amateur Wanderer have had Kellingley basically to ourselves over the last few months. With the security being less than shite and nobody really seeming to go for a look about we have explored pretty much every part of the site aside from the miners rescue.

As of Yesterday, 360 ducks and diggers have rolled into site, so the demolition is about to commence so if you want to see it get in there :thumb

Alternatively, just watch this;

Ta for looking :)

Video - Lancaster Moor Lunatic Asylum (July 2016)

Here is what Lancaster Moor Lunatic Asylum looks like in 2016.

I was in Lancaster checking out St George's Works Mill (Report Here)

Whilst I was in Lancaster, I thought I may as well have a little look at the Lancaster Moor Lunatic Asylum site, I was expecting it to be nothing but a completely converted building into some new modern apartments but they've retained the exterior very well!

Video - Rylands Mill - Wigan - July 2016.
