Is probably the fitting description for our trip to the second big drain in our first trip to Manchester. Visited after the clocks went forwards, it was still light and although there wasn't too much foot traffic, we definatley got a couple of strange looks. Onwards to the waterfall and "Hmmmmm, where's the disabled access?"... "I think I see it all smashed up in the pool dude"... Oh joy! I don't even know why we decided to go for it, exit could have been impossible but the sheer fact we'd waddled around Manchester Town Center, like a pair of redneck tourists in our waders meant we were going to do, what we were here to do.
I went first, skidding in a crouched position and plunging feet first into the pool - not much froth so I could see the bottom, it came to just above waistline. Next thing I see my bud (unsure of his forum name or if he has one) slip, and jump forwards, only to belly flop into the wet stuff!! He had a little paddle around, and then decided his fun was over and climbed ashore, waders breached! It's always a good day out, whoever you're with

This place was huge, it was a shame that the flow was slightly too strong to cross to the other side - If it wasnt for my friend I'd have been on my arse and downstream faster than Manchester's finest on a cig dimp... (from reading other reports im not the first this has happened to!!

Optimus Prime carries the River Irk under the G/Mex and Victoria, where it joins into the River Irwell. The features we got to see were the cattle bridge, and (i think) the slaughtering part? There was also a junction box and some other cool stuff on the other side, and after being told the tales of what we missed, and what lies further ahead, i'm seriously gutted! Again one of the bigger drains i've ever been in, its crazy to think there is such a large disused space, filled with so much history under our streets. But then again let's not put too much consideration into these things, and keep these sacred places for ourselves instead of tours complete with guides!
Quick pose for a piccie... then realised some guy was watching us the whole time