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Question - - Has anyone visited the BT Melton Mowbray Exchange? | Industrial Sites |

Question - Has anyone visited the BT Melton Mowbray Exchange?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi, I'm quite new to this forum so hello everyone!

I live quite close to Melton Mowbray and I always walk passed an Industrial Site which may still be used to date as a BT Exchange Site. The property on the exterior looks fairly damaged and vandalised with bricked up windows and graffiti on the walls. Windows are still open and it looks like they've gated the windows to prevent further smashing. It has an Aerial on top like most Exchange units would have but I have no clue if it's still an operational site for BT?

It looks pretty derelict and wanted to know if anyone has any information on this site if you are in the area and if you have visited it, do you have pictures? I've been curious ever since I've seen it and it looks like a fascinating explore.

Here are a few pictures below of the exterior and a satellite view:








Thanks guys, hope I can get the answers I need



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I live in Melton and BT occupy the other side of the building, where the big metal gates are.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I live in Melton and BT occupy the other side of the building, where the big metal gates are.

Thanks for the info, so do they not use the other side at all and just let it sit there. I suppose they just keep running equipment in there?
Would you have anything else on this building, I've taken an interest in it for ages, sad that it's been beaten up.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If you look at the ariel photo, to the right of it you can see two BT vans parked up. I used to cut through there when the gates were open as a shortcut. Like you say, one half of the building looks unoccupied and this still seems to be the case, as I passed there about a week ago. Other than that, I have no further info.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Yeah recently they've stuck two signs up about trespassing on BT Property and how there are cameras etc so it's nice to see it's not a totally dead building. I can hear the machinery still running through the vents.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
BT hardly use all the buildings now. Back when they was built they needed all the space. The equipment was huge.

As time has progressed its all got smaller and less and less space is needed.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Never noticed this, used to park there all the time because it was free to park for ages, the more you know

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