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Report - - Underground cellar/obelisk, High Street, Bristol - Dec 2019 | Underground Sites | Page 4 |

Report - Underground cellar/obelisk, High Street, Bristol - Dec 2019

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Would that be King Street way ?
No Riegate Surrey, Tunnel rds, used to link with a local pub. They uncovered loads of bottles around 5 yrs ago now. It was also used as a shelter etc too I believe. Its a trust site. Permission only.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Always wondered what was under there, but the doors always been locked every time I drove past it

i was told it was used to store wine as apparently Bristol was one of the main imports for wine and under there was perfect temperature to keep it stored, if you look along the river you can see an opening which the boats use to load the wine through


apparently it leads all under town and comes out on broad weir


thats the story I’m told to believe anyway lol

Nah that's where the froome meets the old moat. There is a weir behind that door.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
You’re probably not wrong as far as cellars go - will be honest I’ve never had a poke there

There are vaults all the way down Corn Street. It's not illogical that they may connect but many are still in use.

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