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Report - - Robert fletchers paper mill , oldham, November 2022 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Robert fletchers paper mill , oldham, November 2022

Exploring With Pride 馃寛

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
(Info from google) The mill has been stationed here for over 200 years with Robert Fletcher & Son commencing the business of cigarette paper manufacturing in 1921. At its height, it employed 1000 people to run seven paper machines.

By 1986 the company was making a loss and was purchased by the Melton Medes Conglomerate who turned the company around and started to make a profit once again. However by 2001 the company was once again failing and the decision was made to close the other mill it owned, Stoneclough Mill. Some people were transferred to the Greenfield mill, but the company could not sustain the increasing losses and it was forced into receivership. The workers were told to go home one day when the receivers came in and it was said it may be resolved. They never went back and the place is frozen in time

(The explore) after doing a walk round footpaths the night before we decide it was to dart to risk it without torches and as we could see torchlight from a patrolling security guard we thought using our torches might attract unwanted attention so we decided to come back in the daylight. After assessing the weakest points we made are way towards the site from a distance we saw a guy walking away from the area we was heading to figuring he wouldn't be back for a lil while after doing his rounds we carried on only to see another guy in high vis 5 minutes later hiding behind a tree we waited for him to move on once we felt he had gone we proceeded quickly across a very exposed field towards the back of the site only to see a glimpse of the second guys high vis jacket passing between two buildings fortunately he wasn't looking our direction and we safely made it to a covered area. The hard part over we proceeded into the building hidden from the watching eyes of any security our ordeal was over and the explore had begun.


















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Exploring With Pride 馃寛

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
Good work getting in there. I've removed the specific details of how you got in as it's best not to say too much on a public forum. :thumb
Lol true il keep that in mind gona post a few other reports soon im doing abit of an urbex binge in the area starting to feel it now every morning waking up to something new hurting

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