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Video - - Chiddingstone church and castle explore - march 2023 | Urban Exploring Videos |

Video - Chiddingstone church and castle explore - march 2023

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this is my explore of a very funky designed Chiddingstone church and magnificent Chiddingstone castle built basically next to eachother very cool places.. hope u enjoy ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™

Labrynth hunter

Not that Tartarian conspiracy bollocks :banghead
Each to there own.. I'm of the theory that the great inventors of the past like Nikolai Tesla and Victor Grebennikov n possibly even the Knights Templar had knowledge of this ancient intelligent society from way back in the past.. before the last global cataclysm (Noah's ark world flood) n they had a superior building knowledge n superior knowledge of harnessing free energy from the earth while living in harmony with it instead of how we ruin it today.. pollution, housing development over ancient woodlands, poisoning the sea with chem spills, poisoning the land n sea with radioactive spills n explosions etc.. n just look at how our buildings crumble in 70 years compared to ancient ones that have been there for thousands of years..

Like I say each to there own.. was an interesting explore of a cool church either way.. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Each to there own.. I'm of the theory that the great inventors of the past like Nikolai Tesla and Victor Grebennikov n possibly even the Knights Templar had knowledge of this ancient intelligent society from way back in the past.. before the last global cataclysm (Noah's ark world flood) n they had a superior building knowledge n superior knowledge of harnessing free energy from the earth while living in harmony with it instead of how we ruin it today.. pollution, housing development over ancient woodlands, poisoning the sea with chem spills, poisoning the land n sea with radioactive spills n explosions etc.. n just look at how our buildings crumble in 70 years compared to ancient ones that have been there for thousands of years..

Like I say each to there own.. was an interesting explore of a cool church either way.. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™
Well sorry mate but it's not real. Its a completely unsubstantiated bonkers theory that can barely decide what its own narrative is, and it's eroding actual history which has been studied for centuries by professionals.

Labrynth hunter

Well sorry mate but it's not real. Its a completely unsubstantiated bonkers theory that can barely decide what its own narrative is, and it's eroding actual history which has been studied for centuries by professionals.
I also believe that the ancient druids/Celtics cud well have been this mystical knowledgeable "tartarians" who had a higher knowledge of alchemy n astrology n other skills etc than most average people of that time, that moved thru Europe spreading there knowledge n was labelled as tartarian for some reason god knows but some Russian crests today still holds similar images on them as the "tartarian flags" n that is the area that tartaria is meant to av been..

And I'm referring to this church as a tartarian church, as it reminds me of the buildings they talk about in the tartarian legends that also was multi functional as a energy generating device/antiquetec buildings like the Tesla tower that was generating electricity out of thin air out the atmosphere, and this church reminds me of that, as it has rather peculiar nobly metal bits coming out the tips of its peaks, so what do u suggest they are for considering most church's just have normal standard peaks with no nobely bits? Always up for a brainstorm as I have an open mind..

and also I don't believe everything in the "his-story" books anyway as alot the time it's not the real history it's the history that the victors of war in that region have made to be the truth in the books they aloud to be made.. I mean just look at the news of today the amount of lies in that to make people believe what the media want them to in that region/country, n your tellin me your gonna believe there history books word for word too?!?? And I'm the nuts one?!?? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™
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Labrynth hunter

Well sorry mate but it's not real. Its a completely unsubstantiated bonkers theory that can barely decide what its own narrative is, and it's eroding actual history which has been studied for centuries by professionals.
Also sorry again to u but why do u think , if you look at the history of a war in one's country's books, n then look at that same wars history in another country's books, it is a totally different version of that war?!?? Just try it with any wars thru "his-story"s records n check the records on one country's accounts, n then check the others, n every time, u will have a completely different version of that war.. does this prove that u can't really trust the "his-story-ans" records word for word.. u can bet yr granny on it that it does.. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘Œ it's just different people's "Story's" to suit the narrative that they want.. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™
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Labrynth hunter

Next you'll be tellin me Nikolai Tesla wernt real or his inventions too right? N that thomas Edison never stole n re engineered his free energy for life designs, Into a different system that Thomas n the govs cud constantly charge people for instead huh... ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ™


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
And I'm referring to this church as a tartarian church, as it reminds me of the buildings they talk about in the tartarian legends that also was multi functional as a energy generating device/antiquetec buildings like the Tesla tower that was generating electricity out of thin air out the atmosphere, and this church reminds me of that, as it has rather peculiar nobly metal bits coming out the tips of its peaks, so what do u suggest they are for considering most church's just have normal standard peaks with no nobely bits? Always up for a brainstorm as I have an open mind..

This says it all mate. History is always open to debate but it doesn't mean ideas can be plucked out of thin air, or defy the laws of physics by harvesting energy from a church spire. Believe it or not 'his story' isn't just one set of ideas from one viewpoint but is an assessment made by all kinds of people based on real source material.

Tartaria is simply what Russia and the East was called on old Western maps - that's all this theory is based on, just semantics. Then it's been lumped with all sorts of other wild ideas including that the Blitz was an attempt to destroy evidence of this so-called 'lost empire' and that the UK's coastline was a defensive wall built by giants. People can be made to believe anything if it's delivered with self-belief and frankly this forum is for recording the history of places rather than misleading with false narratives.

If anyone has no clue what this is all about I suggest reading this:
Bloomberg - Inside the โ€˜Tartarian Empire,โ€™ the QAnon of Architecture

Labrynth hunter

This says it all mate. History is always open to debate but it doesn't mean ideas can be plucked out of thin air, or defy the laws of physics by harvesting energy from a church spire. Believe it or not 'his story' isn't just one set of ideas from one viewpoint but is an assessment made by all kinds of people based on real source material.

Tartaria is simply what Russia and the East was called on old Western maps - that's all this theory is based on, just semantics. Then it's been lumped with all sorts of other wild ideas including that the Blitz was an attempt to destroy evidence of this so-called 'lost empire' and that the UK's coastline was a defensive wall built by giants. People can be made to believe anything if it's delivered with self-belief and frankly this forum is for recording the history of places rather than misleading with false narratives.

If anyone has no clue what this is all about I suggest reading this:
Bloomberg - Inside the โ€˜Tartarian Empire,โ€™ the QAnon of Architecture
Well I guess Tesla wernt generating electricity out of thin air/the atmosphere either was he nope yr right it's totally impossible for this church tower to also be doing it isn't it.. have u even heard of Nikolai Tesla buddy? N he's famous Tesla tower???


Labrynth hunter

This says it all mate. History is always open to debate but it doesn't mean ideas can be plucked out of thin air, or defy the laws of physics by harvesting energy from a church spire. Believe it or not 'his story' isn't just one set of ideas from one viewpoint but is an assessment made by all kinds of people based on real source material.

Tartaria is simply what Russia and the East was called on old Western maps - that's all this theory is based on, just semantics. Then it's been lumped with all sorts of other wild ideas including that the Blitz was an attempt to destroy evidence of this so-called 'lost empire' and that the UK's coastline was a defensive wall built by giants. People can be made to believe anything if it's delivered with self-belief and frankly this forum is for recording the history of places rather than misleading with false narratives.

If anyone has no clue what this is all about I suggest reading this:
Bloomberg - Inside the โ€˜Tartarian Empire,โ€™ the QAnon of Architecture
And again, do u really expect me to watch a mainstream TV program n believe it bro? Bloomberg?!? Really?!?