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Question - Cavendish Mill


Consistently Confused
28DL Full Member
with the closure of cavendish mill and milldam mine in october 23, i was wondering if anyone had heard any updates on the cavendish mill processing site?

i had a quick drive through from the settling pond access roads and a lot of the buildings looked damaged and empty but still noticed some activity on site. could it be skeleton staffed/security?

Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
they started demoliton work not long after milldam closure, been meaning to go have a wander up. there is on site security there due to the surrounding businesses


Consistently Confused
28DL Full Member
they started demoliton work not long after milldam closure, been meaning to go have a wander up. there is on site security there due to the surrounding businesses
makes a lot more sense appreciate that, i didn’t realise the neighbouring buildings weren’t all a part of cavendish, they were the ones with the presence. i can say for sure they’ve removed some of the large conveyors as all that’s left is the concrete bases and some winding machinery. might be worth another trip back :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I went for a explore down the mine few weeks back some mad stuff down there still, was a squeeze getting in






28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
crazy! i saw the lego blocks had covered the entrance surprised you got in, love it
Was a tight squeeze very tight but An amazing explore its the first I've done so far and was amazing I'm currently sorting the pictures properly but once I've made a report the sheer size of the place becomes apparent they've started to flood some of the tunnels down there aswell as collapsing them


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
crazy! i saw the lego blocks had covered the entrance surprised you got in, love it
Been down a few more times since posting them pics and my god this is the mine that just keeps giving just when I think I’ve explored most of the labyrinth I find an old and more beautiful part still in the process of getting all the footage together gonna be doing a nice report on this place such a shame they have security there at the moment and from what I’ve heard the access to this place is no more