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Hello from East Yorkshire! | New Members Introduction |

Hello from East Yorkshire!


28DL Member
28DL Member
29F and 30M here from East Yorkshire!

We happen to have stumbled across urban exploring completely by accident. A trip last year to Rhodes found us by chance exploring an abandoned hotel up a mountain, as well as Mussolini’s villa. From here the addiction to looking for and exploring abandoned and derelict places grew, and our recent trip to Malta has only fuelled this. We have a great appreciation for urban art (poor graffiti not included in this!), and for imagining what was or could have been in a place.

Phrases that really resonate with us:
“take only photos, leave only footprints”
“looking for nothing, arriving nowhere, finding everything”

We are hoping to explore more in our local area of Yorkshire, as most of our exploring so far has occurred outside of the UK. Interested the in hotels, hospitals, residential areas, but will also be on the look out for industrial areas to explore.