I visited this place last month with a friend. Spent 5 hours circling the place, looking for entry points, carving through brambles and bushes, slicing up our arms, only to meet dead ends and cliff drops. Eventually got in after MUCH effort, it felt amazing to finally figure out an entry. We had spent so long trying to get in that the time had passed 5pm and the majority of workers looked to have left. We were surprised at how many Dudman workers had been down there, it looked like most were just hanging out with their trucks idling. We carefully walked down from the top and admired the views. It's a very cool area to be in even on the outside, the chalk pits are beautiful. Eventually we got down to the main area with all the old abandoned buildings and within an hour we'd been had. We tried to be as discrete as possible. We were still on the exterior and had never actually made it inside anywhere, had been hiding from voices we had heard from inside one of the buildings. From what it had sounded like, we had no reason to suspect anyone was looking for us, but soon we rounded a corner and a worker was tight up against a wall hiding like a little ninja. He called out to us and the game was up. As he walked us to the entrance I tried to get on his good side, he told me he'd been working at the site for around 20 years and knew the innards of these buildings like the back of his hand. I tried to bribe him 拢50 for a guided tour of the place. That put a big smile on his face, he paused and seemed quite tempted.. but no dice. He walked us out to the front and an old lady gave us a good telling off. We'd been friendly from the get go so by the end they had warmed to us slightly, we had a bit of a laugh about it all. They sent us out the front and warned us to not return.
Even if we didn't manage to get inside anywhere it was a great experience - My first time doing some urbex of an abandoned place.