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Report - - Foxwood School, Kent - February 2025 | Other Sites |

Report - Foxwood School, Kent - February 2025


28DL Member
28DL Member
This is my first post ever so please keep that in consideration. I'm new to urbexing, and started off with exploring this place. I went with my dad. It was probably the best place to start off with personally as it was quite accessible and uninterrupted. I won't type any history as some people already have. It was an uninterrupted exploration with no sign of squatters. The place is trashed but the building itself is in pretty good condition considering how long it's been around. People have complained about pigeons taking over an area and whilst there was bird excrements there was no birds at all strangely. I did go a day after it had rained which made it slightly slippery and slightly difficult to access the area. There is a lot to explore as the main school is massive and there are a couple more buildings there too. There is another school area along with garages and some other building. I'm pretty sure there is some area I missed that I had found when I came back home and went on google earth, but it was too muddy to reach it. I was in disbelief and still am honestly that I hadn't noticed such a large area of abandoned buildings before despite how many times I've been near that road. It's quite interesting to see how time takes over a building along with nature. I took a couple of photos with my camera, here's some below. Sorry if these photos aren't too good I was so excited I just kind of took random photos.











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