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  1. Shaun

    Report - Llanberis Bomb storage- 18

    Hello there you pesky's for 2019 i plan on trying to do alot more posts since i was not arsed last year to type and upload. So im clearing a back log of explores from this year, I hope you enjoy:p History Not off to the best part of not being lazy since i stole this:banghead During the Second...
  2. B

    Information - North Wales Hospital, Denbigh

    Hi everyone I know this has nothing to do with exploring a site however I think a lot of us can agree that the plan for denbigh asylum is an outrageous and stupid one. This is why I have started a petition to somewhat halt or change the mind of those re developing Denbigh. It would mean a great...
  3. Provingdemons

    Report - Pool Park Hospital, Ruthin - August 2018

    Closed in 1990, the asylum has recently had its floors repaired but now out of money its left unwatched by security for worry free photographs. Used as an overflow for denbigh asylum and also a prisoner of war camp for a while the history here is quite fascinating. Truly enjoyed the look around!
  4. GRONK

    Report - Theatr Ardudwy, Harlech - July 2018

    July 2018 The ’Theatr Ardudwy’ is a large Brutalist theatre building that was designed by Colony Foulkes & Partners and opened in 1973, the building is located within the grounds of Coleg Harlech, an Adult Education Centre which closed its doors in February 2017 following years of financial...
  5. Morning.Star

    Report - Lluesty Hospital, Holywell, North Wales - September '17

    Yes, another Lluesty report! Documenting the decay... History: Former hospital which was sold in london at auction for £275,000 , it is thought that 70 houses will be built on this site . built as a workhouse in the 1840s and expanded over the years it was eventually to come under the...