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Report - - 2023 Crisp Delph Sealed Again! | Mines and Quarries | Page 3 |

Report - 2023 Crisp Delph Sealed Again!

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi Guys good news regarding bat situation
I have been contacted by South Lancashire police , they said they have sufficient evidence from the youtube video that this was a bat roost and have contacted the landowner , He's expected to make necessary changes but may be too late as the bats will be long dead if they don't have another exit hole


Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
Hi Guys good news regarding bat situation
I have been contacted by South Lancashire police , they said they have sufficient evidence from the youtube video that this was a bat roost and have contacted the landowner , He's expected to make necessary changes but may be too late as the bats will be long dead if they don't have another exit hole
Do you think the landowner will be prosecuted?
Obviously it was probably unintentional to kill off a bat roost but it is a protected species so I don’t know 🤷‍♂️

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Hi Guys good news regarding bat situation
I have been contacted by South Lancashire police , they said they have sufficient evidence from the youtube video that this was a bat roost and have contacted the landowner , He's expected to make necessary changes but may be too late as the bats will be long dead if they don't have another exit hole
Good effort and hopefully the issue gets resolved now so the bats can get access.

Do you think the landowner will be prosecuted?
Obviously it was probably unintentional to kill off a bat roost but it is a protected species so I don’t know 🤷‍♂️
I'm not sure tbh, the law says to intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost.

As long as the land owner was not aware of it being a bat roost, pretty sure the mitigating circumstances in this case would be considered, too many people crossing the woodland at the rear of his property regularly to gain access to the mine. You don't know what the final straw was, but having seen various videos from the Youtuber's and rants on social media, some are not the politest folk when approached about trespassing.
It happens all the time now, what was once a weird pastime done by a few, has gained popularity. It now seems to be a willy waving competition on social media for the most like and shares, sell the photos to a local paper for a few £'s and share locations and access to the masses. It has killed a once enjoyable pastime.


Exploring with Bob
28DL Full Member
Hopefully the land owner accidently sealed an explorer in there too and the bats have been able to feed on their body - saving the whole colony - and the explorer, just about managed to keep themselves alive by drinking the muddy pools of water and feeding off bat shit, in turn transforming into a very northern British version of batman, who emerges out of the mine intent of visiting revenge upon the goons who spunked the Jenga Mine all over YouTube.


Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
Good effort and hopefully the issue gets resolved now so the bats can get access.

I'm not sure tbh, the law says to intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost.

As long as the land owner was not aware of it being a bat roost, pretty sure the mitigating circumstances in this case would be considered, too many people crossing the woodland at the rear of his property regularly to gain access to the mine. You don't know what the final straw was, but having seen various videos from the Youtuber's and rants on social media, some are not the politest folk when approached about trespassing.
It happens all the time now, what was once a weird pastime done by a few, has gained popularity. It now seems to be a willy waving competition on social media for the most like and shares, sell the photos to a local paper for a few £'s and share locations and access to the masses. It has killed a once enjoyable pastime.
It certainly has grown in popularity over the years! I Agree that YouTubers have fucked the hobby up a lot mate.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a quick update for anyone planning a visit to Crisp Delph
The main entrance is still sealed, and ongoing investigations from South Lancashire Bat Group have found the owners have also backfilled the nunber of smaller tunnels adjacent to the main entrance.





28DL Member
28DL Member
Interesting. I used to go round there when I was a kid and explore. The whole area is littered with mines, quarries and the like. I remember going in crisp delph, but there were several others mines/entrances nearby as well. We never went in very far as it scared the hell out of us. (we were only about 11 years old or so)
I may have a wander around again when I'm back up that way.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I don't know if its the same video as I just watched but it was uploaded this month .. shows an entrance with a blue metal gate and asbestos that's been thrown inside .. ?? It was uploaded 12hrs ago (5/March/2024)

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