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28DL - 20 Year Anniversary Meet/Reunion

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Crazy dog lady
28DL Full Member
Dependent on how university is treating me and finances, I wouldn't mind seeing people again. :) Birmingham is my city of work so not too far away!

Please be warned that I have some degree of face blindness, may not know you by sight if we've met previously and will likely ask your name a lot - I'm not being rude, my brain is fucked up. If you give your name/where we met then I will quite likely remember who you are. :)
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rebmeM LD82
Regular User
Save the date - Weekend of 18th/19th October.

This years meet will be held in Central Birmingham, just like the 10 year anniversary reunion.

It'd be great to see new and existing members come along and say hello, likewise some of the members of years gone by who are no longer active coming along for a pint or 3.

What to expect:

Traditional spoons meet in the evening (officially), that said I'm sure a few will end up in some of the City's older/finer establishments prior.

There's plenty to do and we'll organise some kind of 'activity' to keep people amused who will no doubt be about in the daytime.

No further info at the minute, just putting the date out there for now. Updates to follow nearer the time, any questions feel free to get in touch :thumb

Jeeezzz, the 10 year anniversary meet. There's where most of us met @slayaaaa for the first time, then a few of us drunkenly climbed a crane and turned the radio in the cab full blast for some drum and bass at 3:00am from Radio 1. At least we won't have to buy his drinks for him this time round. 🤣

The question is, do I really want to go to Birmingham. 😆


Jeeezzz, the 10 year anniversary meet. There's where most of us met @slayaaaa for the first time, then a few of us drunkenly climbed a crane and turned the radio in the cab full blast for some drum and bass at 3:00am from Radio 1. At least we won't have to buy his drinks for him this time round. 🤣

The question is, do I really want to go to Birmingham. 😆

Crane rave part two? How many man can we get on the jib


Staff member
What is it with climbing things after a few pints in spoons after a 28 meet :D

Just reminded me of the time myself and Stepping Lightly climbed some stairs up 5 ways after the 5th anniversary meet up which also happened to be my birthday.

Note to self, don't attempt climbing palisade after several Kronies, sadly no DnB that night.



Staff member
Last London meet @Suboffender decided to repeatedly shout "salad snackbar" took me ages to convince the manager not to chuck us all out despite my best efforts to convince him I wasn't racist as he though it was me. A bit later on we both stupidly thought it would be a good idea to climb the scaff on the side of it pissed up, much to the amusement of everyone else who was present. I was absolutely wasted and nearly fell off the top at one point.



Staff member
2013 Leicester meet, *someone* decided it was a good idea to light a crow scarer at the bar of a certain night club and cause absolute pandemonium, I blame DHL for that behavior although sadly he had not long passed by then, they may or maybe not have been his crow scarers 👀


Staff member
Bog roll football, I mean fuck me how more ridiculous could it get eh. @Bigjobs lit the fuse and fucked off.

Never forget @Gone and myself hiding round the corner as the Police showed up in force and nabbed the brizzle boys, despite us all kicking said bog roll about for over 10 mins in front of every cctv camera going.

Despite being hammered I'll never forget walking past the Police van a bit later on trying to act all innocent and spotted @Seffy restrained in the back and he's like "alright Ojay", literally didn't know whether to laugh or cry :rofl


Staff member
Oh and beach balls...

The best thing about that night was that fella who's seat he must have spent the past 20 years sitting in every night, he couldn't because we took over the place. He was well and truly turbo pissed long before he even took a beachball to the face by either myself or @AndrewB :coat

I still have video footage of that lot, I should really make an effort and try and dig some of this stuff out for old times sake.


Staff member
Not forgetting 'Pint pot tower' fairly certain I have a clip of that somewhere as well buried :face


O high
Staff member
Bog roll football, I mean fuck me how more ridiculous could it get eh. @Bigjobs lit the fuse and fucked off.

Never forget @Gone and myself hiding round the corner as the Police showed up in force and nabbed the brizzle boys, despite us all kicking said bog roll about for over 10 mins in front of every cctv camera going.

Despite being hammered I'll never forget walking past the Police van a bit later on trying to act all innocent and spotted @Seffy restrained in the back and he's like "alright Ojay", literally didn't know whether to laugh or cry :rofl
Liverpool 2016 wasn’t it ? The plod made me pick a good 50% of that shit up and all before anyone else helped !


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
What is it with climbing things after a few pints in spoons after a 28 meet :D

Goes back even to 2008 - Bristol meet people jib walking at 5am in 70mph winds :eek:

Sitting in the pub Sunday morning with the banksmans radio while the crane driver wondering wtf is going on 🤣

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