Visited with Tom Sherman, who brought food and water. Thank you. 
Met Tom and we headed into town, not a clue what we were going to do. I suggested we pop down Pin Mill Brow to the Medlock, not thinking we'd get far. Over a mile and a half and six hours later, we got out near the back of Oxford Road Station. Along the way were loads of bridges, culverts, bricked up arches apart from one that Tom, went excitedly into. We were later told by Ojay, that we'd stumbled on Hulme Flume's Little Brother and a nice stumble it was to. When we eventually climbed out, we were greeted by a derelict small old factory, wide open. Be rude not to wouldn't it. Apparently water levels are low at the moment, I'd hate to be in there when they were high, as we were up to bollocks height in places, and that's high enough for an old git like me. Sorry for the amount of pics, but it was a long old stretch. All in all a brilliant day out.
The final miles of the river flowing to the River Irwell have been extensively modified. It is visible under a bridge on Baring Street, close to Piccadilly Station, before running again in a culvert beneath the former UMIST campus (London Road (A6) to Princess Street), then under Hulme Street, until it appears briefly at Gloucester Street before flowing under the former gasworks at Gaythorn, reappearing at City Road East. At the point where Deansgate and Chester Road (A56) meet (under the Bridgewater Viaduct) the river meets the Bridgewater Canal head on, where a sluice gate (a listed structure) allowed water to feed the canal, until the water quality of the Medlock became too polluted for canal use. Normally the level of the river is several feet below the level of the canal, and the river is carried in a tunnel under the Castlefield canal basin, reappearing at Potato Wharf, where it is supplemented by excess canal water draining into a circular weir. When the river is in spate the tunnel cannot cope and river water enters the canal, flows across the basin, and exits via the weir and manually operated gates. A quarter of a mile further on the Medlock enters the Irwell adjacent to the bottom gate of the disused Hulme Locks.
This poor sod gave Tom a shock.
Mayfield from the Medlock
Taken by Tom, you can tell, it's good.
A few from HFLB
Back in the river.
Time to get out, then a quick look round the old building before home. A cat in here shot out and scared the shit out of both of us.
Quick video of us stumbling on HFLB, please forgive me getting all technical at the end, not.
Thanks for taking a look, appreciate it.

Met Tom and we headed into town, not a clue what we were going to do. I suggested we pop down Pin Mill Brow to the Medlock, not thinking we'd get far. Over a mile and a half and six hours later, we got out near the back of Oxford Road Station. Along the way were loads of bridges, culverts, bricked up arches apart from one that Tom, went excitedly into. We were later told by Ojay, that we'd stumbled on Hulme Flume's Little Brother and a nice stumble it was to. When we eventually climbed out, we were greeted by a derelict small old factory, wide open. Be rude not to wouldn't it. Apparently water levels are low at the moment, I'd hate to be in there when they were high, as we were up to bollocks height in places, and that's high enough for an old git like me. Sorry for the amount of pics, but it was a long old stretch. All in all a brilliant day out.
The final miles of the river flowing to the River Irwell have been extensively modified. It is visible under a bridge on Baring Street, close to Piccadilly Station, before running again in a culvert beneath the former UMIST campus (London Road (A6) to Princess Street), then under Hulme Street, until it appears briefly at Gloucester Street before flowing under the former gasworks at Gaythorn, reappearing at City Road East. At the point where Deansgate and Chester Road (A56) meet (under the Bridgewater Viaduct) the river meets the Bridgewater Canal head on, where a sluice gate (a listed structure) allowed water to feed the canal, until the water quality of the Medlock became too polluted for canal use. Normally the level of the river is several feet below the level of the canal, and the river is carried in a tunnel under the Castlefield canal basin, reappearing at Potato Wharf, where it is supplemented by excess canal water draining into a circular weir. When the river is in spate the tunnel cannot cope and river water enters the canal, flows across the basin, and exits via the weir and manually operated gates. A quarter of a mile further on the Medlock enters the Irwell adjacent to the bottom gate of the disused Hulme Locks.
This poor sod gave Tom a shock.
Mayfield from the Medlock
Taken by Tom, you can tell, it's good.
A few from HFLB
Back in the river.
Time to get out, then a quick look round the old building before home. A cat in here shot out and scared the shit out of both of us.
Quick video of us stumbling on HFLB, please forgive me getting all technical at the end, not.
Thanks for taking a look, appreciate it.

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