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Amateur Urban Explorer looking to join dedicated group/make new friends [LONDON] | Other Sites |

Amateur Urban Explorer looking to join dedicated group/make new friends [LONDON]

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey guys!
I've been a amateur Urban Explorer for a couple years now in London and have been able to crack many popular abandoned places
a lot of members might know of in London such as Bishops Avenue, Millennium mills, Royal Orthopaedics hospital abandoned ward etc. (I have been around)
I've always been able to get some mates involved in my little hobby but none of them really take it as seriously as I do.
It has been a dream of mine to be able to have a dedicated group of mates that I could go exploring with more professionally.
I'm considering taking up some parkour classes as well as getting more professional kit to explore some lesser known places/maybe even discover a place and post my findings.
I've been recently following the work of Dr Garett (who wrote his PhD on place hacking and urban exploring and is kind of a legend in the urban ex scene) and he got me inspired to actually start taking this hobby seriously.
So if anyone is out there and has the same passion I do
Feel free to PM or shoot me a DM on insta: Kacper.Strek.iyc
I'm a very friendly dude lol

TLDR: I'm unemployed and looking for friends to wander around London with lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We're all amateurs, innit?
I would distinguish beginners and amateurs by things like places visited, interest in the hobby, knowledge of trespassing laws and the powers of security.
Also I see a lot of people here doing some urban ex photography as well which is quiet cool and something I haven't gotten into yet.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
How do you become pro? Is it just the glasses?



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How do you become pro? Is it just the glasses?

It DEFINITELY involves the glasses lmao I love that.
I think a lot of professionals take it more seriously like travel around the world, get into more high access spaces, some write PhDs on it lmao.
Just search up Dr Bradley Garett he is such a GOAT.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We are all aware of Bradley Garrett, you'll struggle to find many more fanboys around here though.
Dude your website is sick btw, and yeah I kind of figured. I know a lot of people flooded in from TikTok some years ago and kind of ruined the niche of this site, but I figured I might as least try lol


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
...I've always been able to get some mates involved in my little hobby but none of them really take it as seriously as I do.
It has been a dream of mine to be able to have a dedicated group of mates that I could go exploring with more professionally....

I can't help thinking you've taken this a little too seriously perhaps?

If you're trying to meet people and whatever else, stick some reports up and get involved.


Regular User
I think the 'professionals' dangerously weave through traffic on their electric bikes before bursting through doors brandishing their iPoo, upload goontube videos with yellow/black/red captions proclaiming their near death experiences and sell still images to newspapers to prove themselves?

Hat and Hair

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey guys!
I've been a amateur Urban Explorer for a couple years now in London and have been able to crack many popular abandoned places
a lot of members might know of in London such as Bishops Avenue, Millennium mills, Royal Orthopaedics hospital abandoned ward etc. (I have been around)
I've always been able to get some mates involved in my little hobby but none of them really take it as seriously as I do.
It has been a dream of mine to be able to have a dedicated group of mates that I could go exploring with more professionally.
I'm considering taking up some parkour classes as well as getting more professional kit to explore some lesser known places/maybe even discover a place and post my findings.
I've been recently following the work of Dr Garett (who wrote his PhD on place hacking and urban exploring and is kind of a legend in the urban ex scene) and he got me inspired to actually start taking this hobby seriously.
So if anyone is out there and has the same passion I do
Feel free to PM or shoot me a DM on insta: Kacper.Strek.iyc
I'm a very friendly dude lol

TLDR: I'm unemployed and looking for friends to wander around London with lol
Hi K.S I'm about 2 miles away from Bishops Avenue & know it well. I'd love to get more involved in Urban Exploring in the London area, most of my Urbex have been abroad in mostly ex Soviet countries & Eastern Europe and thereabouts. 😀


28DL Member
28DL Member
hey, I'm in Brighton and willing to travel. have only been exploring a handful of times in my life but they were some of the most thrilling experiences i've ever had. definitely take it seriously and have recently been planning some model-making projects based on derelict places. I've never put a report up on here as I don't have a ton of photos from the explores I've done, but happy to provide if it helps.

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