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Report - - Amman Valley Hospital, Ammanford - Feb 2024 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - Amman Valley Hospital, Ammanford - Feb 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great write up, you've walked away with some cracking pics considering the lighting.
Thanks on both counts :) gotta give some credit to a good flash, I love that thing especially given I shoot in the dark for urbex and my other photography stuff
Still wouldn't mind checking this out, can't get enough of the decay
Yess gotta love the decay. It’s def worth a look if your in the area, it’s not the only explore in the area either but I’m not sure on the state/accessibility on the other ones as I took too long in the hospital and didn’t have time to go
Spot on, me too. And in any hospital, asylum etc the creepy looking lone chair, is always a winner for me. ;)
You gotta have the lone chair/wheelchair shot it’s an essential. I bet most if not all of us here have at least one of those in the bank somewhere


Proud Welsh
28DL Full Member
Great report, place looks rotten! definitely not a place youd want to spend alot of time in

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