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Report - - An R.O.C Nuclear Monitoring Post in Northumberland | ROC Posts | Page 2 |

Report - An R.O.C Nuclear Monitoring Post in Northumberland

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Amazing find. Would love to see it. I have always wanted to visit a fairly intact ROC post as it is a fantastic piece of social history. I visited the one at Ellington. Went round the back fields way which involved quite a trek as I didn't just want to wander over the farmer's field at the front in plain sight - lovely walk mind and there are excellent structures over that way at the start - eventually passing a huge mobile comms tower where you can't help but think of the radiation and through a field of waist high nettles only to find the entrance was a cement block. So, whether they've just poured cement directly in and filled it up or just concreted the top I'm not sure. They must have got sick of us lot tramping over. Either way it's a massive waste.
theyve just concreted the lid at ellington

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