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Report - - Ashby Tunnel, Leicestershire. July 2020. | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Ashby Tunnel, Leicestershire. July 2020.

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Camera Drowner
Regular User
Thanks! Was a steady explore this, although I received several aggressive messages from the landowner and his son about visiting this place, so the images on social media have been pulled, Although there’s been a fair few visits since I went... I’ll probably just publish them on here going forward, Thanks for your comment

What did they say?

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What did they say?
Basically I’d trespassed and will encourage other to do so, A lot of explicits and a couple threats... No crops or fences were damaged or climbed to gain entry probably one of the lesser effort required tunnels I’ve visited... strange how some folk go off like that, I get the danger aspects and I enter at my own risk I’ve never encouraged anyone else to go to anywhere I’ve been, people can think for themselves well you’d hope so anyway ;)
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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Basically I’d trespassed and will encourage other to do so, A lot of explicits and a couple threats... No crops or fences were damaged or climbed to gain entry probably one of the lesser effort required tunnels I’ve visited... strange how some folk go off like that, I get the danger aspects and I enter at my own risk I’ve never encouraged anyone else to go to anywhere I’ve been, people can think for themselves well you’d hope so anyway ;)
Its a tunnel. They must of seen your photos to even complain. But also see you took only photos, beautiful ones at that. Nothing to take, no entry to break, what is wrong with some people. Its a bloody tunnel. Not the tower of London. Seems OTT to send threats tbh.

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Its a tunnel. They must of seen your photos to even complain. But also see you took only photos, beautiful ones at that. Nothing to take, no entry to break, what is wrong with some people. Its a bloody tunnel. Not the tower of London. Seems OTT to send threats tbh.
Totally agree with you I’m not defacing anything and damaging anything merely taking photos to record and preserve, Thanks for your kind comment regarding my images much appreciated... I’ve put this down to a typical angry farmer ;) although i must stress not all farmers are arses! Haha

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
Thanks! Was a steady explore this, although I received several aggressive messages from the landowner and his son about visiting this place, so the images on social media have been pulled, Although there’s been a fair few visits since I went... I’ll probably just publish them on here going forward, Thanks for your comment

Now you mention it, the first time we attempted this (not recently - many years back now), we got challenged by an irate farmer.

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