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Report - - Aspull Pumping Pit - Aspull, Wigan - September 2021 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Aspull Pumping Pit - Aspull, Wigan - September 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Slightly edgy about going, read an account of

"The Drop

N 53 34.107 W 2 34.113. Here you will find a hole (by the remains of a bicycle!). I peered into this hole and was amazed to see it is a very large drop to the now flooded mine shaft. I dropped a stone in and timed it at 4 seconds for the splash. By my calculations that means the drop is 78 metres!"

Skydiving into a pit shaft full of water is not really my thing.
Can anyone confirm or deny?


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Slightly edgy about going, read an account of

"The Drop

N 53 34.107 W 2 34.113. Here you will find a hole (by the remains of a bicycle!). I peered into this hole and was amazed to see it is a very large drop to the now flooded mine shaft. I dropped a stone in and timed it at 4 seconds for the splash. By my calculations that means the drop is 78 metres!"

Skydiving into a pit shaft full of water is not really my thing.
Can anyone confirm or deny?
The drop is covered by a metal plate with a small inspection hole in it. Its quite safe.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for that
Now that's a structure that was built to last!



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