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Information - - Barnes Hospital (west london not manchester) | Asylums and Hospitals |

Information - Barnes Hospital (west london not manchester)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I have seen one other post about this site and overall on the internet from other urban explorers. I have visited this site and i cant beleive there is no media on it. i havent been in the actual hopsital although have walked around the whole perimiter and looked to metal window barriers and seen the interior. There is secca that does pull up once you set a armadillo of, although the configuration for them seems to be set extremely low (crawling past them lol) there is min secca for such an extreme site(5 bits) This place even has a seprate morgue building. I belive there is no squatters although sec got a big dog. i know a way 2 ways in, (potenial 3) But please if you know anything about this or have any pictures/ videos please reply to this and contact.

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