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General - Battersea Power Station - Pictures and Stories...

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Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
I was too late into this hobby to really muster enough experience to try this behemoth. Similar with many other structures.

Still, the stories and images are admirable.

Always been curious to hear stories about the catastrophes and triumphs here as it seems impossible not to have one after at least trying Battersea.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
I can't really add anything epic, what I love about BPS is it seemed to offer something new right until the final days of development. When I really got into exploring which seems half a lifetime ago I remember seeing the early pictures but god forbid you put them anywhere near Flickr or face the rage of the community. I pretty much had given up expectation of seeing it as years went on and then that summer of 2013 everything changed as it got hit hard.



I'd already planned to be in London that weekend for an engagement party so getting across from Islington to Battersea seemed like a logical plan. My mate C had just broken up from her long-time partner and needed to get away from Bristol. I joked she can always join me as a +1 at the party and then come and see the PowerStation after. She loved it. In fact when we visited again 3 weeks later she joined us again.



Perhaps the funniest part of that first visit was while me & C sat on the roof taking it in. The rest of the group had gone to see about climbing up to the scaffolding on one chim and suddenly see a high vis coming up the stair case to the right of me. Assuming it was security we went and hid in the darkest corner of the roof but to no avail as this large figure continues to walk towards us. It was Skelton Key & a few of his mates doing an explore. The heartrate dropped a fair few notches once we realised all was fine.




Shout out to everyone who made those trips special. @sirjonnyp for his bow tie, @raisinwing @Gabe @Seffy, Blythe, Callum and few others I've probably forgotten. Nicking @Seffy's group shot from end of the night. 4am I think.. was knackered for rest of the day but BPS was done.

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
So here's something that happened at Battersea. Was with The Riddlers, and going for access on the West side somewhere. I propped a pallet up against the fence, put my hands lightly on the spikes, just to use as a pivot, and climbed up the pallet....

... which then snapped, and my hands impaled on the top of the fence...



Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Who had the shot hanging off top of chimneys in climbing gear ?
@Ojay and @Keitei at least...



Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
@Oxygen Thief nah…..I’ve just trawled through all the old reports and can’t find it.

It was a selfie type photo,you could just see edge of chimney and op was hanging backwards legs against chimney and you could see the whole of the ps below them all lit up


28DL Full Member
@Oxygen Thief nah…..I’ve just trawled through all the old reports and can’t find it.

It was a selfie type photo,you could just see edge of chimney and op was hanging backwards legs against chimney and you could see the whole of the ps below them all lit up
Gaj & Jobs with a few others done the chimney climb, maybe one of them?


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
So here's something that happened at Battersea. Was with The Riddlers, and going for access on the West side somewhere. I propped a pallet up against the fence, put my hands lightly on the spikes, just to use as a pivot, and climbed up the pallet....

... which then snapped, and my hands impaled on the top of the fence...




mockney reject

Staff member
So went to the opening yesterday with a few others from here and ended up in there most of today too.

It truly is a sight to behold.

My other half wasn’t all that impressed last night, in her words “it’s become a place for pretentious cunts” she has a special connection to Battersea. He late father worked there as a scaffer after it closed. Some of the scaffolding inside the hall her mum may have been his.

But we went back today and without the rush of people she fell in love with it all over again. It was lovely sitting in the “Control room B” having a beer and chatting to strangers about something really special. Something that deserved to be saved.

Here’s a few pics off of my phone.













Oxygen Thief

Staff member
So went to the opening yesterday with a few others from here and ended up in there most of today too.

It truly is a sight to behold.

My other half wasn’t all that impressed last night, in her words “it’s become a place for pretentious cunts” she has a special connection to Battersea. He late father worked there as a scaffer after it closed. Some of the scaffolding inside the hall her mum may have been his.

But we went back today and without the rush of people she fell in love with it all over again. It was lovely sitting in the “Control room B” having a beer and chatting to strangers about something really special. Something that deserved to be saved.

Here’s a few pics off of my phone.












They really have done a great job, thanks for the pictures.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
The nights at BPS were pretty much unbeatable, ridiculously iconic place and just surreal to experience.

Must have spent maybe 10 nights there over a few months in the summer of 2013, with all manner of people - each time we saw something different and managed to come up with some pretty mad/terrifying ways of getting around the building.

I will certainly have to get down there at some point to have a good look around the end result.

A few photos below that I posted on Instagram the other day.






One of the best bits was finding the room full of drawings, including those from the failed 80's theme park development. Much time was spent rifling through them and bagging some one of a kind souvenirs.

We also found a filing cabinet jam packed with slides of photographs taken during the aforementioned theme park development. At an incredibly slow pace I've been scanning in the ones I collected up, the results can be found at Home - Battersea Power Station - not much to see currently, but I'll get it finished eventually.

Naturally, if anyone else has some of the goods and wouldn't mind letting me borrow them for scanning that would be appreciated.

Much love to the people that I spent time with there, memories will last forever!

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