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General - Benwell Dance Studio BIRMINGHAM

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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I might go out and 'rescue' all the copper from places then :(
I don't think its deluded, there's lots of decent people still exploring.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It is perhaps fair to discuss items found in the hall but my own reason for joining this group was when I saw the name Benwell Dance . The dance school was owned and run by Jimmy and Margaret Benwell. It was for many years a thriving business. I practiced my dancing with my partner there for many years as firstly a Novice dancer and much later as a Professional. Many happy times


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I might go out and 'rescue' all the copper from places then :(
I don't think its deluded, there's lots of decent people still exploring.

How about you just fuck off then? Your kind of holier than thou attitude isnt welcome here. You can explore using whatever silly set of rules you want but wind your neck in with telling other people what's right and wrong. Not only is the issue far far more complex than you make out you dont have a leg to stand on preaching morality to anyone considering your proporting to be a fucking urban explorer yourself! The whole idea of trespassing on other peoples properties is extremely morally dubious before you even get into the legality of it all. Theres not a single urban explorer out there that doesnt rely on law breaking to do what they do including you! If your gonna sit there and make out 90% of members of this forum are somehow not 'decent people' you know where the door is!


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
There is a difference though, trespass is a civil matter and not illegal, taking something is theft which is illegal. There's no grey area. And there's no justification. If the owners don't care there shouldn't be a problem asking them should there.
I considered at least every respected explorer on this site lived by the well known motto. You're right it is a shock to find out at least some obviously don't.

I'm with you mate I rember exploring a very big house full of very expensive items and I came across a jewelry box full of gold I didn't take it I left it there but as the house was getting tourbussed I put it into a drawer to try and hide it safe to say the owners eventually got in touch with some of the explorers and it got sealed up

Stealing is on a whole new level regardless if it somones home a business or a abandoned property


Staff member

Im not getting into this at all, however there is a massive difference from salvaging a tin which will only end up in a skip to rinsing a load of copper.

Explorers will take a ‘souvenir’ most of which would only end up as landfill.

Its what it is really and there is never going to be any mutual agreement over the matter.

What I will say is though, debate it with a bit of respect, all this f’ing and shit slinging isn't necessary!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I'm with you mate I rember exploring a very big house full of very expensive items and I came across a jewelry box full of gold I didn't take it I left it there but as the house was getting tourbussed I put it into a drawer to try and hide it safe to say the owners eventually got in touch with some of the explorers and it got sealed up

Stealing is on a whole new level regardless if it somones home a business or a abandoned property

About sums it up.. you will happily mooch about in somone elses house that's been broken into but at least you draw the line at robbing them.. What a Saint!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Ive been very respectful Ojay, I thought better of speed who i used to respect but I know for future now.

To draw similarities between someone that breaks civil law with someone that breaks crinimal law is the sort of attitude i expect from a YouTube goon not a respected member on here.

If its a holier than holy attitude im being accused of im ok with that, in the 36 years ive been exploring I have never so much as taken even a tin from somewhere, as I say ive always followed the urbex code of take only photographs and leave only footprints. I have never broken into anywhere nor caused damage to anything. Now I know why I don't get in some places other do.
I presumed (wrongly it appears) that we all followed the same etiquette and im disgusted to find apparently most don't according to some.

I agree the nastiness from speed was uncalled for and surprising.
I will sort of agree to disagree to keep the peace and won't comment again.


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
About sums it up.. you will happily mooch about in somone elses house that's been broken into but at least you draw the line at robbing them.. What a Saint!

You say that but when the doors wide open?? Not really breaking in....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Meant respectfully, regarding:

"Take only photographs, leave only footprints"

It is not really a motto for the goon tuber crew, a mate of mine who maintained an urbex website back in the early 2000s, had those same words on his "About" page. While I agree urbex is legally on sketchy ground, people can have a moral compass and judge what is right or wrong according to them. For me that means not taking things out of an abandoned asylum say, or breaking in or kicking in a door to get in somewhere. I am 99 percent certain a bunch of goontubers who will be known to many have done just that at a historically old and previously untouched site not far from me, which I expect will get desecrated or vandalized sooner or later, that is the real pisser, the wombles with their gimbals can spoil it for the rest who appreciate the history of a location, and don't want to see it permanently sealed off, or demolised even.

No harm intended to anyone with this post mind!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Ive been very respectful Ojay, I thought better of speed who i used to respect but I know for future now.

To draw similarities between someone that breaks civil law with someone that breaks crinimal law is the sort of attitude i expect from a YouTube goon not a respected member on here.

If its a holier than holy attitude im being accused of im ok with that, in the 36 years ive been exploring I have never so much as taken even a tin from somewhere, as I say ive always followed the urbex code of take only photographs and leave only footprints. I have never broken into anywhere nor caused damage to anything. Now I know why I don't get in some places other do.
I presumed (wrongly it appears) that we all followed the same etiquette and im disgusted to find apparently most don't according to some.

I agree the nastiness from speed was uncalled for and surprising.
I will sort of agree to disagree to keep the peace and won't comment again.

Mate i wasn't 'nasty' until you started making out i was some kind of cunt.. reap what you sow. Nail on the head tho, agree to disagree, everyone has their own ideas abut what ok and whats not. I was only pointing out that contrary to what you seem to think the world of UE is full of people who not only would save a tin from somewhere they would be pretty proud of saving a tin because nice old tins shouldn't be left to rot in some fetid hell hole! Deal with that revelation how you will but dont expect to insult people and them not to tell you where to stick it.

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