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Report - Birmingham City Hospital - Sept 22

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Yes pretty much the whole site is closing 'soon' as they are building its replacement in Smethwick on the old GKN site. Been taking ages as tho as the collapse of Carillion fucked it up. Must be atleast 5 years behind schedule so I think the redevelopment plans are all sorted and they are litrally just waiting for the new hospital to be ready to go.

Not so much bothered with you posting here just would be nice for the tourbus to breakdown and wait for there to be a whole epic Victorian era hospital to see rather than just a empty nurses home. It's frustrating as fuck how this anonymous posting of stuff whips up a frenzy of bellends after thier next Instagram story every time.. (no offence Jay ) :rofl

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yes pretty much the whole site is closing 'soon' as they are building its replacement in Smethwick on the old GKN site. Been taking ages as tho as the collapse of Carillion fucked it up. Must be atleast 5 years behind schedule so I think the redevelopment plans are all sorted and they are litrally just waiting for the new hospital to be ready to go.

Not so much bothered with you posting here just would be nice for the tourbus to breakdown and wait for there to be a whole epic Victorian era hospital to see rather than just a empty nurses home. It's frustrating as fuck how this anonymous posting of stuff whips up a frenzy of bellends after thier next Instagram story every time.. (no offence Jay ) :rofl
yh just looked at news article, that does look interesting & deff worth a revisit in few months (if they do meet their spring target now).
Genuinely didnt know they were closing it all, though it does seem dated so not surprising.