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Report - - Bradford beck (Macro), Bradford, August 2016 | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Bradford beck (Macro), Bradford, August 2016


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well that"s comprehensive Mate :thumb looks like @Ojay"s finally got some competition :D

I don"t have an issue with the high amount of pics you"ve posted, especially when compared to some of the :turd that gets posted on the Forum:banghead But i do want to know how i don"t show up on your Bradford Beck pics when you"re on 70% of mine you "FUCKER" :trout

Again well done on the mostly solo exploration of the system. Some people seem to need a whole posse before entering a drain (or anywhere else these days) then they all post up the same pics in the same week so at least we don"t have too suffer that and obviously the restrictions with your camera equipment will always limit the quality of the pics above but they"ve come out OK I"ve seen a lot worse :D

I like the final section the best for it"s structures (wherever 7 is ??)

I look forward to joining you in the future. Just not when there"s a sudden Flood warning while underground :eek:

Move !!!



Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Good report mate, the more pics the merrier.
I really do like the Bradford Beck - I'll have to go back again one day and do the whole thing again as it was years ago and great fun. :cool:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Given this is the most polluted beck in Britain, do you take dettol/wipes with you? I certainly hope so.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Given this is the most polluted beck in Britain, do you take dettol/wipes with you? I certainly hope so.

He does not need them as he"s immune too all water borne viruses/ sewage and indeed drowning far ;)

To be fair they have cleaned it up slightly since 1850 but not by much


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No worries, lol, bit of a shocker there are so many illegally/improperly connected sewers and industrial pollution.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No worries, lol, bit of a shocker there are so many illegally/improperly connected sewers and industrial pollution.

You can"t expect the lower levels of Bradford to be any cleaner than the upper levels i suppose! I always took it for granted before doing stuff like this that :turd would not enter the Becks etc by design. how wrong i was :eek:

You ought to see all the illegally dumped Tyres under the Culvert off Thornton Rd, all neatly stacked up so they don"t get pushed out by the water...... like fly tipping them above ground in Bradford with everyone else isn"t acceptable now ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah, as you say must be stuff flowing lower down, sewers not connected right, industrial sites dumping waste. Given UU have had to get their act together, can't see yorkshire water getting away with it.