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Report - - Bramble House, (Kingsway Asylum), Derby - April 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Bramble House, (Kingsway Asylum), Derby - April 2019

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Originally built in 1931 for the purpose of a nurses home, Bramble House was a late addition to the Derby Borough Mental Hospital complex (Kingsway Hospital) and one of only 3 remaining buildings from the site still standing. The others being the old hospital farm house and outbuildings and also Braemar which was a staff residence.

Bramble House later became the offices for the NHS Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust. Unsure how long they operated here after demolition of the main hospital. The building and land sold in 2018 and I've read Next are looking at building a giant new store here.

A large building but unfortunately not a great deal to see and what is left has been heavily vandalised. But I can't see anything on here about it, so here it is for the record.

Looks like the local oiks have had a good go at it as only a few days before, the place was sealed up and on this particular day it was wide open...

The rear of the building pictured in 2006.


As it stands currently, all sheeted up


The amount of shite on the floor around the back gives some indication to the condition inside


Braemar looks in reasonable nick from the outside


Standing in the entrance of Bramble House


Big ol' lump of fluff in the finance office



Imagine smashing a bathroom up, only to end up cutting your hand on the mirror :wanker


Pretty bare but lovely light coming in




Plenty of long hospital-like corridors



Please leave this toilet how you'd wish to find it (with a large smashed up colour photocopier ditched in the middle of the room)


Fancy plaster ceiling in the board rooms


Filing cabinet contained folders with the names of all the mental health services in Derbyshire


Not entirely sure what a Nurse Bank is


And that was about it - thanks for looking :thumb

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good work again mate. Really good to see stuff turning up around Derby.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The water dripping and the doors moving made it feel so creepy didn't it haha. Good pictures again mate


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
its a shame people always seem to want to smash everything in sight in abandoned buildings. ( i hope you feel better for it). good report nice pictures good work.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thanks all. Been closed since 2016, so it's had a good kicking in 3 years unfortunately.

And yes @Gsxrwayne that dripping from a busted water valve down the corridor... Not at all creepy when you're on your ones :oops:


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I lived in the nurses ho
me for a couple of years 85-87 have good memories of that time,some legendary parties. Breamar you mentioned was used by the on call doctor night's and weekend

That's really interesting to hear, I love it when people share their personal memories of places - so thanks for this.

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